John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment, family says – IOTW Report

John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment, family says

ABC: Sen. John McCain, who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer last year, has decided to discontinue treatment, his family said in a statement Friday.

Last summer McCain said he had been diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma, “and the prognosis was serious,” his family said in a statement.

“In the year since, John has surpassed expectations for his survival. But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict,” the McCain family said. “With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment. Our family is immensely grateful for the support and kindness of all his caregivers over the last year, and for the continuing outpouring of concern and affection from John’s many friends and associates, and the many thousands of people who are keeping him in their prayers. God bless and thank you all.” more
h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

45 Comments on John McCain to discontinue brain cancer treatment, family says

  1. He’ll serve another 20 years in office even after his brain is eaten away by the cancer. It’s for damn sure that they will have to carry him out of office feet first, he’s not about to give up his power…He’ll probably use his remaining time to trash Trump’s programs.

    P.S. Good riddance to the Songbird of Hanoi.

  2. Good bye you bastard. You hung on to your senate seat long after you should have. Now instead of an election (which would have happened if you stepped down before May 2018) the governor can appoint your highly qualified wife to your senate seat. I hope some day RINOs like you will become extinct. Say hello to FDR when you get to hell.

  3. Juan Williams did a tribute to him on The Five.
    I also heard that McSally is double digits ahead of Dr. Ward so it appears we will get another RINO and Johnny’s widdow.
    At least back here in Florida it looks like Bill Nelson will be gone,

  4. Saw this today and, hate to say it (sort of), my first thought is that he’s satisfied enough has been done to take Trump down so now he can go in peace and ride off into the sunset. Could be wrong but I’ve earned the right to suspect the worst about these people.

  5. My dad’s oldest brother who was 99 died from a brain tumor in March of this year a month after my dad passed away. He was a Navy veteran of both World War 2 and Korea and worked for the Bremerton Navy Shipyard after the Korean War. He became the top civil servant in the shipyard and retired after 30+ years of working there. He also learned everything to know about computers while he worked there from the time they were using warehouse sized ENIAC’s for data processing, through all the changes with large mainframe computers by IBM and finally the digital revolution of today. He was still driving and living alone (with some help from my cousin) taking care of himself after my Aunt died 10 years ago until last fall when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. He was more savvy with all the new technology than the kids who think they know it all today. God bless my Uncle Ray he was far more of a sailor and real American patriot than Mccain will ever hope to be. And he saved me from making dinner for my parents last October when he showed up at their house unexpectedly last Oct. on a Friday night with a giant fully loaded pizza and some wine for dinner.

  6. Oh gawd. My only concern….. I hope the 24/7×3 day coverage of his looooong goodbye funeral doesn’t interrupt the season kickoff of college football.

  7. Anonymous — THANK YOU for the links to McCain’s navy record.

    In 2017, i wrote several times to iotwreport’s comments aection to submit links and to remark on traitor McCain. In 2018 I googled him to refresh my memory of the fire on the Forrestal and would you believe about all I could find were articlea saying that McCain was NOT responsible for the fire, that the demeaning articles were written by people who wanted to prevent McCain from winning elections.

    We need books, articles, websites written by people WHO WERE THERE.

    Truth needs to be preserved.

  8. Guess that I’m the cynic around here – my first thought when McCain announced that he would discontinue his brain cancer treatment was that he never had it in the first place.

  9. No, you’re not alone Loretta. I too have been highly suspicious.
    We shall see. Wouldn’t put it past the old goat to have amended his Will forming a Trust designated to setting up DJT for years to come, with Flake and Corker as Administrators of course.

  10. I want to take time and this space to thank Admiral John S. McCain, Sr., and Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., for their distinguished and honorable service to the United States Navy. They were the only father-son pair of Navy Academy graduates to achieve four star Admiral rank in the history of the U.S. Navy. The senior McCain was a naval officer during WWI and WWII, and his son served during WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The less written about the grandson and son of these two Great Americans the better.

  11. Some history here. DH was stationed on the USS Oriskany when the Forrestal caught on fire. They brought McCain to the Oriskany. The Oriskany’s nickname was called “The Flaming O.” for a good reason as it was notorious for catching on fire. McCain was not well liked on the Oriskany, DH said he was an asshole then and still an asshole now. DH worked on the flight deck, so he was well acquainted with the pilots. I’ve been on the Oriskany and took a cruise on her for family day back in 1969, the year DH and I married. The Oriskany is now a reef off the coast of Florida, they sunk her just like McCain is going to be sunk soon. Unlike McCains first marriage, ours have survived 50 years. 🙂

  12. Grool, with any luck, he’ll live just long enough to see the Red Wave in November and die knowing he failed. Let’s vote early and often and make it happen. 👍

  13. In the Spring of 1974 while the Kitty Hawk was out to sea the Oriskany in port in Subic Bay in the Philippines and they had an incident where some of the local Filipino insurgents (Huks) managed to get over the fence and onto the base and killed a couple of Navy Officers from the Oriskany. I’m not familiar with all the details, all I know is by the time the Kitty Hawk pulled back into Subic Bay base security was extremely tight because of this incident. Some friends and I were hassled one night coming back from liberty in Olongapo City because we were out late coming back to the ship.

  14. As to the question if he is doing hospice…. I highly doubt it. Hospice is for us little people. It’s a Medicare (or other insurance) benefit for a specific finite set of services. Nurse, bath aide, chaplain, social worker, volunteers, and a medical director to sign off on everything. Supplies, equipment brought to the home. Symptom management in line with patient and family goals.

    I’m betting he’s going to have a throughly vetted and discreet private duty nurse 24/7 and a doctor that stops by every day to direct his palliative care. None of it covered by his hospice benefit, because that’s probably not good enough for them.

    Sounds cynical and snarky, but I’ve seen it before with the mucky muck elites.

  15. After McCain dies a slow and painful death I do not wish to see this traitorous piece of shit get any military honors. He sure as hell didn’t earn any. At least from this country, although Viet Nam may well have him enshrined in perpetuity.
    Well, I guess it’s time to fire up the lathe. I’m thinking a 3″ diameter by 10′ long steel pointed vampire stake. It will require a pile driving rig to install which I assume can be rented in Arizona.
    Installation is a public service, my donation to the country.


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