John Ratcliffe Earns High Praise as Trump Intelligence Pick Ahead of Senate Confirmation – IOTW Report

John Ratcliffe Earns High Praise as Trump Intelligence Pick Ahead of Senate Confirmation


Rep. John Ratcliffe’s (R-TX) nomination to become the next Director of National Intelligence (DNI) earned high praise due to his experience in national security and intelligence and his commitment to public service.

The Senate Intelligence Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for Ratcliffe, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, to become the next director of national intelligence on Tuesday.

President Donald Trump announced his pick for DNI in February, describing him as an “outstanding man of great talent!”

“I am pleased to announce the nomination of @RepRatcliffe (Congressman John Ratcliffe) to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI),” Trump wrote in February. “Would have completed process earlier, but John wanted to wait until after IG Report was finished.” read more

6 Comments on John Ratcliffe Earns High Praise as Trump Intelligence Pick Ahead of Senate Confirmation

  1. Since the days of Gowdy (and the days and days and days), I’ve never been as quick to jump on a congressman’s bandwagon. However, what I’ve seen of Ratcliffe and what I’ve read of him, he’s a pretty good guy. First, he has demonstrable success in handling budgets, balancing budgets and cutting taxes. He’s said to be the 2nd most conservative rep in Congress. He’s been a strong supporter of POTUS Trump’s America First agenda and he’s actually worked on at least one project w/Trump (1033) — although I’m not exactly in favor of local law enforcement operating like an army. And I won’t count his being a lawyer against him (for now, anyway).

    I do wish POTUS Trump had the latitude to announce his appointments with the preamble: “So-and-So, an outstanding man of God…..” and then continue with the rest. Can you just imagine the kvetching that would cause in the press room?

  2. The best part of this situation (as you’ve probably read) is that if Ratcliffe isn’t confirmed, the Acting DNI, Grenell, will continue in the DNI role. Sweet. Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide.

    “President Trump nominated Representative John Ratcliffe, an intelligence community reformer, for the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The SSCI previously rejected Ratcliffe because his existence is adverse to their interests. However, in response Trump installed honey badger Richard “Ric” Grenell as the acting DNI.

    The SSCI hates Grennel with the ferocity of a thousand supernovas because Grenell doesn’t give a f**k about their swamp life. Better yet, Grenell smacks them around publicly on Twitter whenever the SSCI dispatch the orcs from the deep swamp intelligence apparatus. Every time orcs poke their heads out of the DC labyrinth, Grenell smacks them with a billion mega-watt sunlight hammer. They shriek and retreat to the dungeon.

    The good news for the SSCI is that Grenell can only stay in the ‘acting’ role until September of this year. However, the bad news is if the SSCI rejects John Ratcliffe then Ric Grenell gets another year to antagonize the corrupt senators, swing the sunlight hammer & expose the darkest secrets of their beloved swamp. {{Grumble – Grumble}}”


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