John Solomon: DIA Holds Documents That Can Exonerate Flynn – IOTW Report

John Solomon: DIA Holds Documents That Can Exonerate Flynn


CTH: Tick-tock-bombshell club member John Solomon drops an explosive statement on Sean Hannity. Oddly, there’s a factual part of his statement CTH agrees with; and a structural part of the background that is almost certain never to reach sunlight. First, the substance:

(Transcript) […] “In May of 2017 there was a document identified to a small number of people in the United States government. It’s in the possession of the Defense Intelligence Agency.  For eighteen months there’s been an effort to resist declassifying that document; I know that that document contains extraordinary exculpatory information about General Flynn. I don’t believe the president has ever been told about the existence of this document.  One lawmaker discovered it, but was thwarted by the Defense Intelligence Agency in his efforts to disclose it. I think we should all ask for that declassification; get that out; it may enlighten the judge; it will certainly enlighten the American public.”

From the time-frame disclosed we can reasonably infer what this document is; at least what background surrounds it.  MORE

2 Comments on John Solomon: DIA Holds Documents That Can Exonerate Flynn

  1. How could anyone be concerned with CO2 emissions when our government overwhelms the air we breathe with so much bullshit?
    Criminals all since they all collude in their deceit, our elected officials can toy with classification and selective release of information, they use any law selectively, they can lie without consequence, can steal without fear…..

    Laughable, lawless ‘authority’


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