John Solomon: FBI didn’t treat Carter Page, Trump fairly for years – IOTW Report

John Solomon: FBI didn’t treat Carter Page, Trump fairly for years

Investigative reporter John Solomon discusses how the FBI has not taken any steps to hold people accountable for the mistakes that were reportedly made in the Russia FISA case.

7 Comments on John Solomon: FBI didn’t treat Carter Page, Trump fairly for years

  1. @deplorable – second class December 15, 2019 at 1:55 pm

    > It will continue on until the people rise up and take their power back.

    The “people” won’t rise up, while they can keep telling themselves “Just one lucky break, and I’ll get all my money back.”

  2. Too late for the swamp news. The scam is out for everyone to see. It’ll take another generation or 2 to ever trust the ‘news’.

    Although if they out michele Obama as a grifting racist pig unworthy of a job at the DMV, that’d be a start.

  3. All appointment positions need to be emptied.
    Then a slow consideration review of non-political
    proven line agents looked at for replacements
    should start.
    The political appointees are shit. Those slots
    being emptied will make for a better agency.

  4. @John December 15, 2019 at 3:38 pm

    > All appointment positions need to be emptied.
    > Then a slow consideration review of non-political
    > proven line agents looked at

    Because anyone younger than The Notorious RBG, who’s still hanging onto their desk, could have, possibly been hired by anyone other than an apparatchik?

    Dude! Were you the first guy named “John,” ever?

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