Breitbart: International movie superstar Johnny Depp may be in hot water over comments he made about President Donald Trump.
When Depp, star of such films as Black Mass and The Rum Diary, introduced a film on Thursday at “Cinemageddon,” a film stage at England’s famous Glastonbury Festival, he turned his attention across the Atlantic to the current occupant of the White House.

According to the Daily Telegraph, he told the crowd, “I think [Donald] Trump needs help. There are a lot of dark places he could go.”
He then added, “I’m not insinuating anything – by the way, this will be in the press and it will be horrible – but when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”
Depp then added, “I want to clarify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while, and maybe it is time.”
SNIP: Johnny Derpp is unbalanced and he has also been accused of domestic violence by his ex-wife.
Get some help, Johnny.
Ask Dr. Mudd.
He needs a shot of 1911, 230 grains worth. Might do that
faggot good.
Johnny Derp
When was the last time Johnny was on his knees in front of a Producer with too much eye makeup and that kinky Tramp Stamp? They’ll like that sexy looking mouth in prison.
The last time was in 1865, when John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln – author of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Are we not a fan of freedom for all, Mr Depp?
Typical jackass that thinks him being irresistible to abunch of homely teenieboppers makes him a genius, and the world hangs on his every word.
“When Was the Last Time an Actor Assassinated a President?”
12 days before said actor was shot like a rat, in a barn. That’s when.
Mr. Scissorhands, himself.
Lock him up!
He was either drunk or high (or both) during that interview. Oh, and he was also Sucking on STUPID!
he still thinks he’s marlon brando jr. lol! what a derp
Can’t fix stupid – so why comment on it?
So this little hotel room trasher, transvestite pirate is a moral giant now? Got it.
Speed kills Dell.
When was the last time an actor said something so stupid he committed career suicide?
Next he’ll be talking about how “Trump broke him!”
The more I see what kind of people are against President Trump, the more Pro Trump I become. What is bad for them must be good for us.
He always fancied himself as quite the renegade. In reality he’s just parroting every other lefty douche bag. Oh Johnny, you’re sooo avant-garde!
He should be assassinated for his awful presentation of Willie Wonka – compared to Gene Wilder, you ain’t shit, my friend.
Depp has an expensive divorce, a string of flops and money problems.
He’s easily replaceable in his faggy Pirates role.
Alienating half his audience must have seemed a great inspiration.
Yeah, Tonto, that’s the ticket.
Looks like Depp found Mickey Rourke’s plastic surgeon. I hate these freaken Court Jestrs.
When was the last time Depp thought about quitting the effort to appeal to young women by having greasy hair and more eye makeup than they do instead of aging gracefully?
Depp is a has-been.
He’s 54, any bets he doesn’t make it to 60 ? And he’s another Hollywood High School drop-out, whose opinion on anything beyond acting is worthless.
Weaponized Assassination Porn.
Be careful Johnny…
Go for it Johnny,
I’d love to watch the video of you being gunned down by the secret service.
I would even nominate you for an Academy Award for best dead actor.
His attention seeking ploy worked.
johnny derp, drug addict butt pirate.
apparently he always seeks acting roles where his character is a drunken, effeminate limp-wristed fop. Probably so that it’s not too much of a stretch from what he’s like in real life.
POTUS needs to appoint a new Secret Service head. Somebody who’s eager to publicly cuff and perp walk some Hollywood has beens for maximum effect.
And start slapping these celebs on the Watch/No Fly List. No air travel, no firearms ownership, Phone/online surveillance. You know the initial house search will turn up drugs, child Porn etc.
Then the IRS needs to drop by.
A sudden and universal silence will descend.
I think 71 year old DJT could kick his ass. It won’t be the same as beating up his ex wife
What did his wife do to deserve a beating, steal his mascara?
Huh. When was the last time an actors career was assassinated?
Depp is a decent actor who never really did the Hollywood political thing. As I remember he was the only actor that kept his word and moved out of the country when Bush 2 was elected. Other then that he’s been pretty silent. I think he’s super stressed out about money, his divorce, his career, rumours of substance abuse and who knows what else and desperately needs some health. I truly hope he gets some.
Another over-emoting over-paid airhead actor calls for violence against the President. Now, I’m not saying it would be a good idea to blow some cunt actor’s head off the next time they do this sort of thing, but I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it if someone did.
He’s apparently apologized but I didn’t click link.
The last movie of his I paid to see was Ed Wood, when I was in college. I don’t believe I’ve seen even one of those pirate movies or anything else he’s done since the early ’90s. Have I missed much?
That gangster flick he did several years ago did look promising in the three dollar bin, but I passed.
“I think 71 year old DJT could kick his ass. It won’t be the same as beating up his ex wife”
I’m a fat, not in great health granny and I could kick his ass.
Shit, the only thing I liked him in was the Pirates franchise, then he goes and opens his big mouth before I can see the 5th one. When will these dumbass actors learn to keep their mouths shut when it comes to politics? They never did this kind of stupid shit in the 30s 40s and 50s, this started in the 60s with the goddamn hippie movement.
Keep talkin, Johnny … I hope ALL you retards keep talkin.
This is why we have the 1st Amendment.
So we can identify the pustules, shitheads, izlamists, Nazis, other socialists, and those who, basically, hate America and everything American.
Keep yammerring, dumbass.
Maybe America will finally wake up to your virulent hatred, racism, sexism, totalitarian impulses, and Godless nihilism.
izlamo delenda est …