Johnson Shuts Down Senate Bill, Blasts Biden – IOTW Report

Johnson Shuts Down Senate Bill, Blasts Biden

The Senate’s $118.28 billion national security supplemental package allocated $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

12 Comments on Johnson Shuts Down Senate Bill, Blasts Biden

  1. “$20.23 billion was allocated to secure the US border”
    $20 billion to process illegals faster, they aren’t securing anything.
    As soon as the RINOs cut a couple $Billion from the bill, they will pass it.
    Then blow smoke up our collective asses, claiming a big victory.
    The same crappy made for TV movie we’ve been watching for decades.

  2. Do not fall into the RINO traps being sprung as this posts
    Hume Fumes For MORE Ukraine Money
    BEWARE msNBC RINO traps
    CNN traps are transparent

    The have sprung a story about rusky sats and all of a sudden Ukraine v Russia will be their play.

    Don’t fall for it

    Nazis and Jews unite?
    One and the same team?
    What is going on here?

    Is this a Nigerian scam?
    It smells like it.

  3. Newmax was talking about this a couple days ago. They were saying if he doesn’t bring this to the floor, as Trump has suggested not to, the RINOs will be after him like no other. Should be interesting.


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