Jolie, Paltrow, Arquette, and More Detail Weinstein’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct – IOTW Report

Jolie, Paltrow, Arquette, and More Detail Weinstein’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct

But, before we get to their stories:

Scandal-ridden Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein attended Planned Parenthood’s gala fundraising event in May and donated $100,000 to the abortion chain that claims to be at the forefront of women’s rights.MORE


And now for the main feature:

The New York Times reports that seven actresses, including Oscar-winners Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, have come forward to tell their sordid tales of being harassed by Harvey Weinstein. The accusations range from 1993 to 2003.Article has details


What a champion of women’s rights!

31 Comments on Jolie, Paltrow, Arquette, and More Detail Weinstein’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct

  1. Wife leaving him, checking into the obligatory rehab… Yep.

    I do feel bad for Brad Pitt. He’s been with at least two women Weinstein has assaulted?

    “I’d like you to know, dear, that Weinstein attacked me.”

    “Well who the hell HASN’T he?”

  2. It’s become clear why these actresses get paid so much for their ‘talent’.
    It’s also clear they know the terms going into their careers.

    “You sold your everlasting soul to the Debbil?!”
    “Well, I wasn’t using it none!” —-paraphrased from O Brother Where Art Thou

  3. That Fat arrogant nerd ,is trying to make up for his first 35 years
    of living. Try getting some without your bank account, and without your propensity for Rape… Fucking Loser Among Men !!!

  4. Oh, so NOW all these bimbos are coming out of the woodwork to tell their sordid tales of woe. Now that it’s safe to do so, that is. If this was a football game they’d get a fifteen yard penalty for piling on.

    “When the tiger falls in the ditch, the dogs start barking.”

    Old Chinese Proverb

  5. Watching Hollywood spin themselves from enablers to victims is disgusting. At least Rose McGowan had the guts to call out Matt Damon, but that will certainly be the exception. This should be an indictment of the whole sick Hollywood culture, not just a Victim of Weinstein Pity Party. It sure would be if it was a Republican creep who got caught.

  6. Evidently, the payments that the Weinstein Company made to settle the sexual harassment claims are illegal if they are deducted from the company’s profits for tax purposes. Is there any chance that this happened with all the high powered accountants that must have been working for this sleezy bunch?

  7. @Plantsman October 11, 2017 at 8:14 am

    Multi-millionaire. Dozens of times over. Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Founder of not one, but two, world famous companies. Kept a model/actress at home to keep an eye on things, while he jetted around the globe. Had dozens of model/actresses willing to do vulgar favors for a bit of his time. Royal enough to be legally untouchable.

    Homer Simpson is quoted as saying, in response to “He prefers the company of men!”, “Who doesn’t?” It looks like the answer is anyone who’s met your definition of “Winner Among Men !!!”

  8. I am almost ready to confess that this Clinton/Obama/Liberal Democrat/Hollywood/New York/Media/Fashion Disaster is the most captivating thing since Monica was forced to hand over that Presidential stained dress. I’m betting that this is just going to get more enjoyable as the curtain collapses on all these hypocrites.

  9. From the very beginning those women knew there was a sexual price to pay to make it in Hollywood. Right from the git-go they knew they had to service Weinstein. Now that they’ve all made fame and fortunes, they’re angling for victim hood and sympathy? Phukkem. They knowingly sold their souls to the devil. They need to pay the price.

  10. The latest news indicates that the Weinstein Company is planning a name change to try and escape from its odious association with the disgraced co-founder, brother Harvey. May I suggest they just call it the Acme Explosives Company, since the whole thing is about to detonate on the remaining Board Members. I understand that there is a despondent coyote down in Arizona that is willing to sell the rights for a highly discounted price. After all, Harvey Weinstein is hanging by a branch over a big cliff right now, and this entire sordid affair is beginning to look like a cartoon with each new revelation.

  11. I remember talking to my wife about this when our kids were young. I would never push my children into acting, singing or pro sports, regardless of their talent.

    Why? Everyone “knew” about this in some way. Even us little people. I feel bad for the women and young boys who endured this. But, at some point they went from victims to enablers. That angers me!!

  12. From 1993 to 2003 – not only Statute of Limitations – but at this point what difference does it make. They obviously took the paycheck without filing a police report, prostituting themselves in the act.
    Also – these women are basically saying “you can look but you can’t touch”.

  13. And my favorite – “when you are rich and famous there are women who will let you grab them by the pussy”.
    Gee, waiting until the check clears – AND NOW YOU WANT TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET?
    Sounds like some of them didn’t mind hiding the act until it became fashionable to pile on.
    Oh, and go over to Rose McGowans art page []
    Ms. Mother Earth Gaia Worshiping Witch has a whole litany of her “army” messages (including a picture of her grabbing her own breast and smoke coming out).
    “After taking it lying down for 25 years in the industry” (paraphrased) [] she finally is going to take down the patriarchy.

  14. Whores complaining about their … what? exactly?
    Fucked, sucked, and sodomized to get a part and then whine about it?

    Once bought; stay bought.

    Fuckin sluts talk like Demonrat politicians … oh …

    “If you can’t take their money and screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work.”
    (Willie Brown (D) CA)

    izlamo delenda est …

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