Jon Ossoff Blames Libertarian Candidate for His Running 100,000 Votes Behind Biden in Georgia – IOTW Report

Jon Ossoff Blames Libertarian Candidate for His Running 100,000 Votes Behind Biden in Georgia


Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff blamed Libertarian candidate Shane Hazel for his running 100,000 votes behind Joe Biden last week.

“Well, we saw some drop-off from the top of the ballot. We saw some votes go to [the] Libertarian candidate, but the bottom line is that this is the strongest Democratic turnout ever in the history of this state,” Ossoff said on CNN.

In reality, Hazel’s run was more likely to take votes away from Ossoff’s Republican opponent, Sen. David Perdue. Hazel previously ran for the Republican nomination in Georgia’s Seventh Congressional District, and the pro-small government Libertarian Party predominantly attracts Republicans, not Democrats. more

14 Comments on Jon Ossoff Blames Libertarian Candidate for His Running 100,000 Votes Behind Biden in Georgia

  1. I hate it when major party losers blame third party voters. People who vote third party do so because they don’t like what the major parties are selling. To them, the only other feasible option is voting for no one. You don’t owe your vote to anyone.

  2. Bingo, Antidote. This budget Beto needs to quit politics. Seriously. But after he loses the runoff, he’ll probably start his Presidential campaign. I knew a bunch of pansy-ass Paideia School jerkoffs like him back in the 70’s. The shame of Atlanta.


  3. Any republican would get mega millions of voters who give them their support if we could just find a few who didn’t stab us in the back the minute after they get elected.

    Given this statement by Ossoff, it is apparent to me he is just another one who would stab us in the back.

  4. OK first of all, the phony ballots pinged only biden and left the down ticket empty. So if he wants to bitch, bitch at the DNC who fucked it up for you.

    Also, go cry on alyssa milano’s shoulders. She blew you off, too.

  5. My 8 yr Old son is scared to death of Ossoff. I guess Purdue’s negative ads worked on him. All my kids are scared to death of Biden closing the country and mask mandate. These poor kids are already stuck wearing a mask for 8 hours at school (including BAND??!?!?). The earlier reports about Bidens commission got my kids praying on their knees today. Offer them a 24 hour mask mandate and/or a shot??? That’s not how you build a party

  6. That would be the number of fake votes the scumbags pole workers injected into the poles.

    It is not “the strongest Democratic turnout ever in the history of this state”. The statistical probability of the state having 96% of the eligible voters cast a vote when most of the rural counties had a 60 to 70% turnout is impossible.

  7. Sorry Wendell Wilkie 2020.
    Maybe Georgia just isn’t into you.

    When your wiki page defines you as ‘perpetual candidate’ it’s time to embark on an honest career. Used car salesman comes to mind. But I am going to bet that you can’t even do that.

    You, sir, are an insufferable loser.

  8. I could have taken the low road.
    Ossoff rhymes with…

    Bummer of a name dude.

    Maybe you should have abandoned your name, like Warren Wilhelm Junior did, now known not as a German Nazi, but a lovable Italian. You know. Just plain old Bill. De Blasio.

  9. As was pointed out, since when would a Democrat vote for a Libertarian?

    That is, however, before the current state of affairs. It may very well be that rank and file Democrats are tired of the crap their party is doing but just couldn’t bring themselves to vote Republican. That still doesn’t make it the Libertarian’s fault.

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