Jonah Goldberg Joins CNN! – IOTW Report

Jonah Goldberg Joins CNN!

The thing you have to understand about Jonah is that he’s no longer even the most popular pundit in his own family. How do I know this? Because I noticed a number of links attached to some of my recent Substack articles coming from Lucianne Goldberg’s website. That’s right: Jonah’s mother prefers to read Emerald Robinson. Can you really blame her? — MORE

25 Comments on Jonah Goldberg Joins CNN!

  1. See my good fellow, every republican “conservative” that does not enjoy Trumps’s jaded views, is a better & more dedicated republican voter that believes there is more out there than one lone losers view.

  2. “See my good fellow, every republican “conservative” that does not enjoy Trumps’s jaded views, is a better & more dedicated republican voter that believes there is more out there than one lone losers view.”

    You’re right on the money, Lovie.

  3. Wow Anonymouth.
    That kid of vulgarity is a sure sign of low intellect and childish emotional state.
    Thanks for confirming you’re just another follower as it’s easier than thinking.

  4. “Beachedmom, exactly no one ever cares what you say! Time for more horse cum paste, bottoms up coof brain.”

    Gee, Grouchy, kinda pissy, aren’t ya?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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