Jonathan Turley: Pelosi delivering big headache to Senate – IOTW Report

Jonathan Turley: Pelosi delivering big headache to Senate

‘The problem is not what was sent … but what was not’.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is giving senators a big headache with her decision to hold a “snap impeachment” of President Trump without witnesses or evidence.

The problem, according to constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, is that she’s delivered to them an article of impeachment with no evidence to back it up.

“The problem is not what was sent to the Senate but what was not. There was no record. For the first time in history, the House of Representatives sent an article of impeachment to the Senate without any hearing, any testimony, any response from the president. Not a word. It just sent a poorly crafted article of impeachment like a conclusion in search of proof,” he explained in column on his website. more

15 Comments on Jonathan Turley: Pelosi delivering big headache to Senate

  1. “For the first time in history, the House of Representatives sent an article of impeachment to the Senate without any hearing, any testimony, any response from the president. Not a word.”

    …well, get used to THAT, that’s how show trials WORK, and you can fully expect more of them faster and faster until you’re just numb to it, then they can REALLY do what they want…

  2. “Trump has been charged with incitement to insurrection”

    I’d like to who shot Ashli Babbitt at the White House. No name has ever been given as to who pulled the trigger, so we should assume he was a plant as well. If they had shot a black woman, the media would be all over it.
    Amazing double standard, it’s OK to burn down 250 buildings, then post bond for their release. But this was an insurrection.
    They are probably grooming all 10,000 troops at the WH to be sympathizers or trading them out with mercs.

  3. Nothing but a big media shitshow with Dems getting in front of the camera calling President Trump and his supporters white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
    The shitshow to outdo all previous shitshows.

  4. “Not a word. It just sent a poorly crafted article of impeachment like a conclusion in search of proof”

    Isn’t that the whole NeverTrumpers and AntiTrumpers in a nutshell?
    Isn’t that the whole criticism/negative rationale of the Trump Presidency?

    Isn;t that why the stolen election and covid-19 crisis came about?

    We’re obsolete. Make way for the Chicoms to inherit the North American continent.

  5. I wonder if there is any actual surveyed numbers for the percentage of Americans that support this move, as well as the percentage of the ones that don’t care and are paying no attention to it.

    It might be an interesting fact to know.

  6. The trial is 100% for media consumption. They will run clips of the prosecution attacks and follow with panels of “experts” opining and pontificating, and blowing hard on Trump’s many, many, many flaws, errors, mistakes, and wrongheadedness.

    They will convict him in the media, where it counts.

  7. They screwed up big time. Part of the charges were “he lied about the election being stolen”. Once charged, he has the right to bring evidence. Tons and tons of Chinese printed ballots and such. I wonder if this gives his lawyers the right to subpoena the Maricopa County voting machines the Dems are hiding?

  8. without the chief justice presiding, it will be a ‘mock trial.’ It sure won’t be constitutional.
    they’ll use sound bites to sell pharmaceuticals on msm-
    the same pharmaceuticals that the whole congress is invested in, due to their inside knowledge and trading.

  9. Evidence schmevidence… Witnesses… Schmitnesses… Every democrat and four republicans will still vote him “guilty” without either items supplied. That’s how mindnumbingly fucked up a country we are now.

  10. eponymous
    ” I wonder if this gives his lawyers the right to subpoena the Maricopa County voting machines the Dems are hiding?”

    A bunch of his lawyers quit, more chickenshit conservatives with no backbone.


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