Jonathan Turley says White House in ‘free fall’, DOJ in a ‘tough position’ after FBI searches Biden beach home – IOTW Report

Jonathan Turley says White House in ‘free fall’, DOJ in a ‘tough position’ after FBI searches Biden beach home


The search for classified documents at properties owned by President Joe Biden continues, even after the president declared nearly two weeks ago that “there’s no there there.”

Of course, more classified documents were found just a couple of days after he made that comment and Biden’s attorney confirmed Wednesday morning that the FBI expanded their search of classified documents to include the president’s Delaware beach house. This latest development coming one day after it was revealed that the Justice Department did conduct a search of the think tank office in November — it was initially reported that Biden’s team found the documents.

Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley said in response to the latest development that the White House is in a state of “free fall” over a story that keeps evolving and has drawn concerns about whether the president’s son, Hunter Biden, had access to the classified documents to assist with his potentially nefarious business dealings. MORE

17 Comments on Jonathan Turley says White House in ‘free fall’, DOJ in a ‘tough position’ after FBI searches Biden beach home

  1. Here’s a helpful hint for Presidential scandals that will occur over the next two years: whenever someone’s Trump Derangement Syndrom becomes so severe that you feel you must act on it, make sure that your boss hasn’t done the same thing or worse.

    Until the raid on Trump’s Florida mansion, no one really cared about classified documents. Now we care, and oops – Biden has a bunch of classified documents all over, including in his garage. Awkward. Biden’s next chief-of-staff should operate under the assumption that Biden is not very bright yet very corrupt, and before going after Trump they need to make sure Biden also hasn’t done the same.

  2. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk FEBRUARY 2, 2023 AT 9:44 AM

    better yet:

    … make sure that your boss hasn’t been engaging for decades in precisely what you are hell bent on accusing an innocent man of doing.

  3. In a tough position???
    Hell, Comey showed them the way out of ANYTHING tough: “I don’t remember. And I can’t believe I would do anything illegal.”

    What are they worried about, The Press ???



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