Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market – IOTW Report

Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market

GP: Tucker Carlson on Friday dropped episode 58 of his show on X: How did a not-very-bright thug like Nancy Pelosi get rich in the stock market? Because the system is rigged.

Jordan Belfort, The ‘Wolf of Wall Street,’ explains how the system is rigged.

Tucker Carlson trolls CNBC’s Jim Cramer for his years of bad investing advice and discusses Nancy Pelosi’s stock picks.

“It’s inconceivable that someone can have that high return on the market and everyone else can’t do it,” Jordan Belfort said of Nancy Pelosi’s stock picks. “So what’s the edge? The edge is she knows key legislation, and you know, maybe someone is whispering in her ear…they want to be on her good side.” MORE

12 Comments on Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, Explains How Nancy Pelosi Gets Rich in “Rigged” Stock Market

  1. I disagree. My congress critter makes $174k each year as salary, which is actually a raise from his former job as an unpaid intern for another congress critter. He scrimps and saves, and invests $1,000 every month into the stock market, and voila – after 12 years he is worth $50 million dollars. Looks legitimate to me what with compounding interest, etc.

    Of course, I learned my mathematics from my public school and I trust my elected officials to have my best interests in mind. I would go on further with this analysis, but it’s time for my electroshock therapy now.

  2. People think that laws will fix this, yet it is LAWS that caused it – Congress’s ability to pick winners and losers via laws, etc. ONLY a 95% reduction in government power and control will fix this.

  3. “The edge is she knows key legislation and also maybe someone’s whispering in her ear.”

    lol thanks for that, Jordan. I had no idea that was happening. Sorry, I guess I was looking for something tricky, when the fact is that the grift itself is very simple. The complicated part is getting all the right people to look the other way, and that takes time. Which is the main reason why there will never be term limits, and the main reason why these people will kill in order to die in office.

  4. Bob, they’ll either be into whatever control corral their handlers drove them, or they’ll be as f—ked as anybody else who bought into the financial charade. Probably both, one before the next, as “Our Democracy” is phased out, and their services are no longer required.

    I mean, when you get down to it, they’re just as expendable as the rest of us, but they are blind to that fact.

  5. You’ll be converting your bank accounts’ ‘old Dollars” to new, universal ‘digital dollars’ (lower case). Likewise, all paper money will be turned in to be converted within 90 days. Failure to do so (or do so at an approved institution, read the fine print!) will void the value therein. Thereafter, use of original U.S. Currency will be a violation of the law and considered a felony. Likewise, coins will be converted to ‘digital coin equivalents,’ aka ‘smart coins’ that contain computer chips and do RFID. That conversion process will be allowed to overlap for two years after which your coinage will become illegal tender (direct violation of the Constitution, but hey! You’re missing the point. We don’t need no STEEEEEKKKIIIINNNNGGGG Constitution! Saying otherwise will get you arrested.)

  6. “What happens when they collapse the dollar? What will the millions that they have be worth?”

    It’ll be worth millions in whatever currency reigns aftwards. It’s not cash they invested in in the STOCK market.

    It’s the dollar that’s collapsing, not the stock. “Things” will stil have value. Bartering is one way to survive. So the question is, what have you invested in for such a time as this?

    Lead, brass, flashy powder, and particularly shaped sdteel to use these items will be worth more than the original purchase prices – for one example. Maybe even priceless.

    Lots and lots of vacuum-packed dry goods will too, for another example.


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