Jordan Peterson has a few choice words for the rat-hole that is Twitter – IOTW Report

Jordan Peterson has a few choice words for the rat-hole that is Twitter

It’s a rant.

15 Comments on Jordan Peterson has a few choice words for the rat-hole that is Twitter

  1. If Elon does buy Twitter he should hire Peterson to run the HR department for about three months. That should be enough time to run off all the titty babies and their pronoun fetishes.

  2. Prof. Peterson has gotten VERY tough. I think he clearly sees the cliff we’re about to go over closing in fast, and sees there is nothing to lose by going all in against it.

  3. Excellent.

    I wonder why the pronouns are ‘he/she/they’. It should be he/she/ it!

    ‘They’ is a plural. Are ‘they’ then referring to themselves as a plural entity? Which brings to mind their own confusion.

    ‘I want to change my sex; but maybe not; so I’ll refer to mySELF as an alternate 3rd person plural, (not of myself—-but as a group that is distant from myself); THEY. ‘

  4. Not looking good gor Elon to buy Twitter. His car company stock has dropped 35% & still dropping, he is laying off employees. The average price paid for a new Tesla has gone up ten thousand dollars since just last year. Building new plants is costing him billions. Buying Twitter at this time would not look good for either SpaceX or Tesla. Otherwise Twitter will be just fine. This opinion of Twitter, his opinion, would be valued bythe general public as a grain of salt wood.

  5. His stance on the ism’s is why he left his tenured spot as a professor. He refused to go by the college policy. I’ve watched him on web talks shows and on Joe Rogan. I think he makes sense. I wish he had a better grasp of God and not over think God and Christianity. The gospel is not that complicated, Jordan wants to make God more complicated than he already is.

  6. It’s called punching the playground bully in the nose. Nothing stops a bully faster than punching back. Timid people everywhere should take notice.

  7. As an afterthought to my comment above:

    Trump punched the bully back….and it hurt. That’s why they despise him so much and are desperate to keep him from running again.

    GO TRUMP 2024!

  8. Peterson makes sense. I like his videos on YouTube. The Orwellian thought police will not allow that on Twitter, for what he said about Ellen Page aka “Elliot”, a young “trans” actress who had her breasts cut off. She’s “proud” of her decision to attempt to eliminate something she can’t – being born a woman.

    However, Peterson picked up how pride in the sexually deviant community indicates self-destruction that goes before a fall, according to the Holy Bible. Of course this got him kicked of Twitter.

    God by the way hates “Pride”.
    Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
    Proverbs 16:5 “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”

    Miss Page seems to be extremely disturbed. She needs much prayer. She’s going to find out eventually what a terrible mistake she’s made and could be suicidal.
    This possible outcome is a result of leftist ideology, which causes nothing but destruction. Peterson has figured it out. Good for him.


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