Jordan Peterson — ‘I got the Vaccine, stupid me’ – IOTW Report

Jordan Peterson — ‘I got the Vaccine, stupid me’

What did I get the vaccine for if you’re not going to leave me alone?

23 Comments on Jordan Peterson — ‘I got the Vaccine, stupid me’

  1. I keep feeling like something in the vaccine is going to help big brother track, change or kill us and it all is a part of the great reset. Or maybe only the obedient multi vaccinated people will live. But I’m convinced whatever the push is we don’t know all the details of it yet. I’ve wondered if the creators of COVID know that perhaps it will keep morphing until it kills the majority of the population. I am sure many depopulation folks are fine with that. But all in all I don’t worry about it, I can’t if I want to enjoy what time I have left!

  2. Some of us called this back when the first talk of lockdowns and mandatory masking arose. Even then, they had absolutely NO intention of relinquishing the unprecedented power that people were about to give them. Called it.

  3. Dan November 13, 2021 at 12:22 pm

    Oh man, I thought this guy was much smarter than this!

    One would think that someone with an Md behind their name would have some common sense. The more I see doctors dropping like flies and being pompous about getting the jab, IMHO should have their license revoked. In a way when they drop dead, their license is revoked – permanently. I don’t care to hear about someone who knew better and went ahead and did it anyways, doesn’t get my sympathy.

  4. @Jewel

    Jordan Petersen is an extremely intelligent man. Understand, he lives in Canuckistan, not the USA.
    America has internal competition among States for Talent, Jobs, Lifestyle & property. We Don’t.
    For example, You can live in Florida. Texas, Califucknia or New York. You can take your money with you and abandon a shithole. EVERY Province up here Locked Us Up & made life VERY MUCH more difficult with the blessing of the Federal Cuckold’s Government.

    Given that fact, there really is/was no choice.

    I myself run/own an HVAC business and some of our client WILL NOT ALLOW UN-VAXED people ON THE PROPERTY PERIOD.

    Some Bucktooth Retard Son-of-a-bitch would not let me enter Goodman HVAC (American Company in Toronto) to pick up parts because my old flip phone does not scan the FUCKIN QR CODES he insisted needed scanning before he could take the order. I did have the fuckin Government Vaccine CARD & My Divers lic. which is the ACTUAL LAW and fine EVERYWHERE ELSE.
    But little $32,000/year Fuck-Tard was kicking my Double vaxed ass out of his little sphere of influence.

    I have had no choice for 8 months so I took the shots. OR SHOULD I LOOSE MY BUSINESS AFTER 32 years while my kids are still in school.

    If this was War, I’d take a bullet for My kids, wife, relatives etc. So I took the little fucking needles for the above reasons.

    Will I drop dead? Who knows, I just got off a 2 hour mountain bike ride in the fucking forests with climbs, jumps & mud & Rock gardens.

    Jordan is not worried about dropping dead, he already came close about 2 years ago. He just wants enough peace so he can get on with changing hearts & minds Politically & Philosophically which is where the real war is being fought.

    Good on him! He took the Shots so he can GO TO WORK AGAINST THESE COMMUNIST GLOBALISTS. He is 100% Proof that it is not about COVID, But control of human mobility, thought, diet, & wealth.

    Cheers! Double vaxed, NO REACTION cause i probably had Covid 4 Months before the First Lock down and have been Pounding the Mountain bike trails more now than before!

  5. If I had a real choice, I would have Intentionally caught the fucking WHU FLU, fought it for the 3 days that healthy people need to recover UNOFFICIALLY and went back to work.

    But as I keep warning everyone on this site: CANUCKISTAN, Australia, New Zealand, Britain


    That is who the Democrats are Modelling after!



  6. Kcir,
    You may have gotten a placebo. I hope you did. Millions of others will die because those who took the jab are just little rats in a laboratory to the fkn elite. Enjoy your jumps and crap because the world champion mountain biker now has heart problems that ended his career after his jabs.

  7. Cheryl
    I am not a politician.
    IF there is a placebo, I’m not important enough to get one.

    There was a weird flue going around my kids school, sometime around the last Trump State of The Union Address (the one Pelosi Tore up). The schools teachers were all talking about how a bunch of the kids were a bit sick, but not that sick all at once.


    I & the wife had 3 days where I didn’t feel right but since everyone was saying WHU FLU was Death from Above, I thought nothing of it. Treated it with Laphroaig 10 year Scotch & Craft Beer-GONE!

    There was no test available at the time. Due to my Job as a Commercial HVAC technician for 34 years, I change THOUSANDS of filters a year. I have breathed a hell of a lot of germs of every type. (Still nothing compared to the Horrific Chemicals the Firefighters have to breathe – Scary)

    Now, it looks like the world has admitted that CV-19 was around MUCH earlier. (also reported at IOTW)

    I know 2 people that died of it BUT they were NOT in perfect health and on was 68 years old, diabetic, & overweight, with not the best heart health.

    Cheers to everyone here.
    Your all good people.
    Save your energy and practice for a real fight.
    One of the best ways to fuck up the government is to do what many people are doing. Refuse to Work.

    Biden will leave in shame when nothing is moving and everything he has done gets reversed. It is the Blue collars who actually run the wire that transmits the power, pipes the water, fixed the farm equipment, & actually builds. The people Pelosi Despises.

    My Fight is to tell my customers, “Hey, You Voted for This, now you get what you wanted.”

    Believe me, they are seeing it on MY BILLS! I no longer protect them from their decisions. Fuck them! Gasoline has doubled etc.

  8. Difficult to judge those who took the shot. I have not and will not take it. Been preparing for possible no job for months. Many people are in a very difficult situation on what do to. My brother is retired and took the shot so he could take a vacation to HI…sadly he is a fool.

    The recent governor election here in VA bought us some time.

  9. It makes sense now. Even Viva Frei took the jab. I get it. But he understands how compromised his health is. It’s a heavy burden. We aren’t yet up against that wall. It may be sooner than we think. So many covidiots desire it earnestly.

  10. Jordan Peterson is a free speech HERO taking his arguments all the way to the top of the Canuck Deep state… and won. Sad to see so many people bust his balls in these threads.

  11. LuvntheBIGsites

    He CAN NOT get on a University Campus to change minds without it.
    He fights in the trenches where “THEY” have been stealing our children.

  12. DaveVA

    Your choice.
    Whatever you decide it ultimately has risk on both sides.

    Just like driving in a car. Somewhere, at any time there is someone hammered, stoned, or staring at a phone as you are trying to get home.

    Cheers & respect!

  13. I’m an asshole.
    Everybody around me knows it.
    Nobody ever asks if I got the shot.
    Either they hope I didn’t and die because of that decision, or they just know, because, as I said, I’m an asshole.
    As an asshole, I don’t really give a fuck either way.
    Life is easy when you’re an asshole.

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