Jordan Sekulow on Pending Georgia Lawsuit- ‘Shocking’ – IOTW Report

Jordan Sekulow on Pending Georgia Lawsuit- ‘Shocking’

Newsmax: An election challenge lawsuit planned to be filed early this week is new and will be “shocking,” according to President Donald Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax TV.

“We have got lawsuits likely to be filed in Georgia on either Monday or Tuesday; I can’t get into the details,” Sekulow, the son of Trump personal attorney Jay Sekulow, told Saturday’s “America Right Now.

“I can’t tell you right now, but what’s coming in Georgia will be shocking, when we file this in federal court Monday or Tuesday,” Jordan Sekulow told host Tom Basile. “It’s nothing that we have talked before. It’s not what you heard in the press conference [Thursday] either.

“This is something completely separate.”

The fact Jordan Sekulow pointed to federal court, it is likely a constitutional legal challenge. He did allude to some challenges to the constitutional issue of “equal protection under the law.”

He added, to those saying “put up or shut up, it’s coming this week.” more

30 Comments on Jordan Sekulow on Pending Georgia Lawsuit- ‘Shocking’

  1. @nunyo bidness — One possibility is that the entire Trump legal team is being blackmailed by the coup plotters and it’s only Powell who has said, “Give it your best shot, assholes, I don’t give a fuck what you threaten me with.”

    I guess we’ll find out pretty soon.

  2. @uncle Possibly Don’t forget Giuliani Dropped out of the NY senate race allowing Killary to win. If you believe he dropped out of the race because he had prostate cancer you are a special kinda stupid.

  3. I don’t understand why it’s a big deal. Each story copy/pasted from Reuters, and then repeated what the left said about ‘no evidence’. lol.

    One half of the ‘team’ is not paid by the campaign. She isn’t Trump’s personal lawyer and she said several times that the Dominion thing was her investigation. That’s why she didn’t collaborate with the other lawyers. They have their own ‘things’ to work on.

    Jenna Ellis is officially President Trump’s lawyer. I don’t even know if Giuliani is even officially president Trump’s lawyer, but he may be is ‘personal’ lawyer.

  4. Powell is working on Dominion and federal law suits. Trump’s other path with Ellis and Rudy starts in the states. I am not jumping to conclusions. Disinformation is still key to this entire campaign on both sides.

  5. Anonymous – Exactly.

    @Michael Flynn Jr
    ·49 minutes ago

    Sidney Powell has been suspended from Twitter for twelve hours.

    She understands the WH press release and agrees with it today.

    She is staying the course to prove the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed #WeThePeople of our votes for President Trump and many other Republican candidates.

    Thanks for the link, nunyo.

  6. MJA, I keep hearing that the Steel shill for Dominion has “refuted” and “rebutted” charges Sidney Powell has made, but those two well-chosen words imply that he produced evidence which disproves her claims. It would be more accurate to say that Steel DENIED her claims, would it not?

    Looks to me like there’s some frantic spinning going on to blunt what’s coming tomorrow. I expect Dominion to throw state & local election people under the bus, if they haven’t already. Steel might have started that today. I don’t know, didn’t watch, because I don’t waste my time watching TV news.

  7. Everyone wants to report first and tell you what it means and why it happened. Reminds me of the meme cartoon of Trump playing the media as a conductor. So called conservative media is not exempt from the trap.

  8. It’s all good.

    “Things she (Sidney) heard and repeated, can in the courts, be brought up to demand evidence of those issues, and if the Trump attorneys do not have evidence if the good or bad guys got the servers in Frankfurt Germany, then that is an issue of libel and contempt and the Trump case would be dismissed.

    Sidney Powell has completed a fine job in this.

    She drove the narrative and is still part of the legal wranglings. Giuliani had his red meat at the press conference, now in intelligence and legal terms “disavowed any knowledge of this operation”, and all people remember in their mobs outside the scared Supreme Court remember is Powell’s words, and those words can not be now used to dismiss the Trump case.”

  9. We already know that the Communist Democrats have worked overtime to defeat fair and legal elections in our country. They’ve deliberately kept our borders open and lowered most, if not all, barriers to illegal voting by illegal aliens. They’ve engaged in every kind of judicial abuse of our voting laws.

    I’m certain there are a lot of politicians who have used Dominion et al in order to secure their own elections, and that it has been done in every state.

  10. “He added, to those saying “put up or shut up, it’s coming this week.””

    I hope so.

    I really, really hope so.

    Because if it doesn’t come real quick like, it will just be more to be added to all those other promised legal actions that just never seemed to happen for the last four years.

  11. Both Sekulows have a big reputation to protect. I sincerely doubt that Jr. would make so bold a statement if it wasn’t true. Now, what the gov’t does to him in response is another matter — and out of his hands.

  12. CTH weighed in, about the money and who pays.
    After watching the republicans including McCarthy do their best move on today on Sunday shows I’m pretty much done with the Republican Party (again). Should Trump be ousted it is past time to start the new party. They did bomb my inbox and none of them got squat from me. I know who they are and this is no longer their party.


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