Jorge Ramos is mad at Mexico for blocking illegal immigration into America – IOTW Report

Jorge Ramos is mad at Mexico for blocking illegal immigration into America

American Thinker: Jorge Ramos was born in Mexico City and became a journalist there.  He eventually came to America on a student visa, got a job at a Spanish-language TV station in Los Angeles, liked it, and stayed.  Along the way, he became rich and famous as the face of the news on Univision, America’s largest provider of Spanish-language content.  Although registered as an independent, his political stances, especially his support for open-borders, align him completely with the current hard-left incarnation of the Democrat party.

On Friday, a very unhappy Ramos acknowledged that Trump fulfilled one of his campaign promises.  When Trump said that he was going to build a wall and that Mexico would pay for it, Leftists simultaneously castigated him for racism and laughed at the notion that Mexico would ever pay to keep its citizens from fleeing corruption and poverty within Mexico by illegally crossing into the United States.

After all, for Mexico, illegal immigration into America is a great gig, because it acts as a safety valve and a source of funds.  If they didn’t have unlimited access to America (that is, unlimited by such constraints as visas and immigration policies), Mexican citizens who have been burdened by decades of corruption and mismanagement would have no option but to suffer and then, finally, to rise up in revolution.  For decades now, from the government’s point of view, it’s been better to give unhappy citizens a pamphlet with advice about crossing the border safely (albeit illegally) and then sit back and wait for the remittances ($26.1 billion in 2017) that help keep the Mexican government afloat. read more

5 Comments on Jorge Ramos is mad at Mexico for blocking illegal immigration into America

  1. Arrogant piece of shit! One of many in a long line of pukes who think we owe them and can demand anything they choose.
    If I was down in Mexico popping off at the mouth like that mutt I wonder how many hours I’d remain alive.

  2. You’re just going to have to trust me about this one thing. You need a lot of drinks to kill the bug that you have up your ass.”

    From Terms of Endearment. Love Jack’s lines


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