Josh Hawley uses Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill to fight for 100,000 more cops – IOTW Report

Josh Hawley uses Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill to fight for 100,000 more cops

Just The News – Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley successfully kept the issue of police funding alive last week with an amendment to the Senate’s $3.5 trillion budget plan.

Hawley joined a parade of Republicans introducing nonbinding resolutions to the plan. Commonly called a “vote-a-rama,” senators add amendments and vote on them before an overall vote. Shortly before 4 a.m. Thursday, the Senate passed the overall measure 50-49.

Hawley’s amendment aims to create 100,000 new police officers.

“We are in the midst of an unprecedented crime wave in this country,” Hawley said as he sought support for his amendment on the Senate floor. “Our families and our children are in the crosshairs. This past year, the murder rate in this country rose, year over year, higher than any time in six decades.” more here

7 Comments on Josh Hawley uses Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending bill to fight for 100,000 more cops

  1. “An amendment by Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., to withhold federal funds from municipalities that defund police departments was approved by all 99 Senators present.”

    Such brave defenders of the faith, but municipalities will do whatever they want, secure in the fact that threats of cutting off federal aid don’t amount to much, as evidenced by Trump’s threat on sanctuary cities which the courts overturned.

    And if so inclined cities can take money away from the police budget and put it into outreach programs, mental health awareness programs, and more social workers, which are all under the umbrella of “public safety”, ipso facto no cuts.

    It is also troubling to me that federal money is going to cities to hire more cops. Shouldn’t the cities themselves pay for more cops under their own budget? Why should tax dollars that came from a Californian pay for more cops to patrol Detroit or Philidelphia?

  2. ** Note to cities ** If you morons take federal money to fund your police departments, then the feds will use that leverage to run your police departments for you. Just like they do everywhere else.

  3. “to fight”

    You keep using this word. I do not think you know what this word means.

    My apologies to Inigo.

    Perhaps ‘suggest’, ‘advocate’, ‘promulgate’ would be better choices. “Fight” means something different if you’ve ever done it which seems to be increasingly rare today. Almost vanishingly rare.

    Which may explain why it gets bandied about so freely.


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