Josh Hawley Wants to Ban Insider Trading in Congress, Following Pelosi Trades – IOTW Report

Josh Hawley Wants to Ban Insider Trading in Congress, Following Pelosi Trades

Red State: Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) for a hearing to consider bipartisan proposals to ban insider stock trading by members of Congress and their spouses.

In the letter, Hawley wrote in part:

“It has been more than six months since members of this Committee proposed measures to put an end to inappropriate financial transactions. Despite these efforts, Speaker Pelosi and her husband remain undeterred from cashing in … More than 70% of Americans agree that this is unacceptable and that Congress shouldn’t be trading stocks at all. After all, clean government in Washington begins with Members of Congress putting the American people first—and not lining their own pockets.”

Hawley first introduced the Banning Insider Trading in Congress Act in January 2022. The bill, according to Hawley, will:

“Prohibit members of Congress and their spouses from holding, acquiring, or selling stocks or equivalent interests during their tenure in elected office. Any holdings in diversified mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, or U.S. Treasury bonds are exempt from the prohibition.”

“Give Members of Congress and their spouses six months, upon assuming office, to divest any prohibited holdings or place those holdings in a blind trust for the remainder of their tenure in office.” MORE HERE

11 Comments on Josh Hawley Wants to Ban Insider Trading in Congress, Following Pelosi Trades

  1. You might recall that Scott Brown did this when he replaced Ted “Waitress Sandwich” Kennedy as Senator from MA in 2010. 60 Minutes did a segment on his legislation (STOCK Act), which passed both houses and Obama signed. When Brown left the Senate, the senators gradually whittled away at his legislation until there was nothing left.

  2. Make the Stinklosi’s cough up every penny they made since she’s been in office. This money would make real nice Stimulus Check for everyone making under $25,000 per year, which is the group that’s been hit the hardest by BIDENFLATION.

  3. She’ll be dead soon, and she can’t take it with her. Of course her equally crooked son, and despicable daughter will inherit it all, and use the I’ll gotten wealth to further corrupt the political process.

  4. Impose the death penalty for corruption.
    No appeals; no mitigating factors.
    Equally applicable to politicians, their families, their friends, their occasional acquaintances, and their present and former “business” partners.

    Asking thieves not to steal is like … well … asking perverts not to perv.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 24 hours advance notice for any elected or appointed official or their families before any stock trade must be posted and the trade must be available to anyone else. Death penalty for sharing insider information and this shit ends yesterday

  6. “Give Members of Congress and their spouses six months, upon assuming office, to divest any prohibited holdings or place those holdings in a blind trust for the remainder of their tenure in office.”

    So, Hunter’s still good.


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