Josh Hawley’s Fiery CPAC Speech – IOTW Report

Josh Hawley’s Fiery CPAC Speech

“I’m here today, I’m not going anywhere and I’m not backing down, not a chance!

Hawley declared, his voice rising to a defiant yell. “I just want to say to those people who say to us, ‘Oh, you’re the past, your moment has passed, it’s over, it’s Joe Biden’s America now,’ we’re not the past, we’re the future, we represent the future of this country. We’re not going to back down to the woke mob, we’re not going to back down to the cancel culture, we’re not going to be told what we can say or do.”

12 Comments on Josh Hawley’s Fiery CPAC Speech

  1. Sadly, too many people have no idea what an oligarchy is. If they did, they would be demanding the breakup of the legacy media and tech oligarchs – not to mention draining the D.C. swamp of the oligarch elites.

  2. I think he endorsed $15.00 per hour for billion dollar corporations. Yes, definitely part of the problem. In fact, he sounds like a Romney wannabe. Talk a good story, then pad your wallet and stick it up our asses!


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