Journalism is ‘most regretted’ major for college grads – IOTW Report

Journalism is ‘most regretted’ major for college grads


PM: According to a recent survey, Journalism tops a list of the ten “most regretted” college majors that graduates spent time and money getting.

CNBC reports that a whopping 87 percent of college graduates regretted their journalism degree according to a  survey of over 1,500 college grads seeking jobs by ZipRecruiter. more

12 Comments on Journalism is ‘most regretted’ major for college grads

  1. If “Journalism” was the most regretted major, I have to conclude that ZipRecruiter failed to ask about “(Women’s | Black | Gender | Intersectional POC Equity ) Studies”.

  2. That’s because they are not journalist’s but demoncrap propagandists!
    That kind of constant turmoil must continually grate on the nerves and stomach on even the lowest of the low sub-humans!

  3. “A bachelor’s degree in journalism equips students for roles as reporters, broadcasters, and media production professionals. Coursework spans four years, with introductory coursework in English, communication, and storytelling.”

    Sounds like it should be a correspondence course. Maybe a nice matchbook diploma.

  4. I guess they thought it was an easy big money gig, travel the world, never carry anything heavier than a laptop. Be a world shaking leftist hero. Fuck’em learn to weld, plumb, frame houses, anything to contribute for a change.

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