Journalist Discovers Greta Thunberg’s Ties to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum – IOTW Report

Journalist Discovers Greta Thunberg’s Ties to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum

GP: Journalist Dr. Simon Goddek dug into Greta Thunberg’s background and discovered that it was no coincidence that Greta was discovered at a protest on August 20, 2018 and that it was Ingmar Rentzhog who discovered little Greta protesting global warming.

On August 20, 2018, Thunberg, then aged 15, skipped school to protest outside the Swedish parliament for more action against climate change. Ingmar Rentzhog runs the company WeDontHaveTime and is chairman of the far-left think tank Global Challenge.

Greta and her mother released a book four days after she was photographed at the parliament protest. And the rest is history.  Now we get lectures by a young brainwashed communist with no grasp on reality. more

17 Comments on Journalist Discovers Greta Thunberg’s Ties to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum

  1. Whomever fell for the innocent little autistic girl act should be fuming by now, but they will believe it is miss information instead.

    People in general are quite pathetic. No wonder we’re in this sorry state…

  2. Some mother.
    Allowing her alcohol syndrome slightly retarded daughter to be used as a puppet so she can get rich.
    The puppet string pullers are pure evil.

  3. Ha ha TRF, when Greta showed up I was reminded of a lovely Rottweiler bitch I had interacted with. Lovely young adult, her joy was picking up anything that was set down unattended and making a pile by the back fence. Everything was happy-dappy fun time until I went to round up the tools and supplies she’d hoarded. She wasn’t giving the stuff back, had to get her owner to corral her. She was Greta, so for me Greta is a name for a large possessive bitch. And yes, she had a bowl with her name on it.

  4. been listening to this shit for 40+ years and still nothing other than normally occurring weather from a 5 billion year old planet. Eventually, after we are all living in caves again without any power or energy on a cloudy day, they will have to admit all this was only about lining their pockets and control over the masses

  5. The mom has a descent Rack on her and used to be some type of singer/entertainer. Must have ridden the Cock Carousel, Drank like Hell, & partook in many Recreational Drugs with her ankles pinned behind her ears.

    Now we get to listen to the Damaged Byproduct for 30 more years or so.

    Thanks Sweden, Enjoy your new immigration policy.

  6. Greta hasn’t triple dog dared anyone yet? It’s cold enough in Sweden for her to get some idiot snowflake to lick a flagpole in the dead of Winter. Can stupid braindead girls with fetal alcohol syndrome also get stuck on cold metal surfaces like some idiot guys do when they pee on them in the middle of a Scandahoovian winter. Come on Greta, we know that you can back up and spray away just like the best of the idiot guys. And we won’t call for anyone to rescue your sorry ass when you freeze to death when you get your bare butt stuck to a cold metal surface.

  7. This deformed looking annoying troll from Sweden needs to be airlifted by helicopter over an active volcano and dropped into a boiling lake of lava. That’ll give this 20 something bitch a close up look at global warming. Her commie parents need to be dropped right after her.

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