Journalist Layoffs Continue – IOTW Report

Journalist Layoffs Continue

Have you noticed that the liberal media is in the process of imploding? Every week, we hear about another media outlet that’s laying off staffers.

27 Comments on Journalist Layoffs Continue

  1. The shitlibs got their checkmate. They don’t need their asshole propagandists anymore. And the public has already figured out they can be gas lit, scapegoated, and treated as irrelevant for free. Why pay for it?

  2. While the independent outlets that continue to bring everyone the truth (or at least more facts that will hopefully lead to some truth) continue to pop up daily, increase their “readership,” etc. To hell with the entire MSM.

  3. I wonder if the founding fathers could ever have imagined that the US would someday NOT HAVE a free press (the mainstream) when they spoke of the need to delineate their protections in the 1st Amendment?

  4. Question – why are these people paid millions per year to read in front of a camera? You would think competition from all these other “journalists” would keep the rate down?
    Maybe they are really “paid propagandists”…

  5. The Fourth Estate is the Fifth Column and the Davos crowd no longer relies on them – they own the Courts and the Elections.
    The “useful idiots” (Lenin’s phrase) can go their own way – they’ve become useless idiots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The News Buffoon was growing and to great fanfare moved into their new palatial five acre campus that boasted grounds, meeting rooms, offices, gymnasiums and cafeterias that any Fortune 500 company would be proud of in the mid 1980s. Today they are in a small, windowless, receiving area and overstock room of a failed tennis shoe retailer located in a strip mall by the Tacoma Mall. They had state of the art printing facilities, none better anywhere in the world. Today I don’t know if they even print anything, or if it is online only. All they had to do to stay afloat is to publish anything that had any relation to the truth.

    Pride goeth before a fall. There arrogance is only matched on a local level by that of Washington politicians.

  7. @TheMule

    Correct. Now watch the legal profession go the same route as only a fraction of the current number is needed to persecute conservatives whom no lawyer wants to risk defending. And since violent, thieving leftists are no longer being prosecuted, there’s no need for lawyers to defend them.

    By 2030, 70% of lawyers will work for the government, and the other 30% will work for huge corporations.

  8. @ aircubed SATURDAY, 27 JANUARY 2024, 12:04 AT 12:04 PM

    Not only that, they are actively hostile to real journalism and openly mock any legitimate and time honored concept of journalistic integrity whatsoever. They deserve nothing but ridicule and contempt and sympathy for them is totally unwarranted.

  9. Simple!

    Our hard-working, skilled, schooled (and self-schooled), reasoning Americans, who can afford a large variety of media and devices (radios, TVs, newspapers, magazine, documentaries, streaming phones, etc.) just don’t believe pseudo-science/political BS Narratives anymore…So, there’s that!

  10. Good start. Now we need to see universities fail the same way and for the same reasons. Life will be complete when the kid in front of me says “geez professor, I ordered large fries and you gave me small fries and you got the change wrong.”


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