Journalist who tried to cancel Novak Djokovic over not taking COVID shot dies while covering Australian Open – IOTW Report

Journalist who tried to cancel Novak Djokovic over not taking COVID shot dies while covering Australian Open

While generally respected in the sports journalism space, Dickson was also the author of many stories shaming and trying to cancel tennis star Novak Djokovic.

24 Comments on Journalist who tried to cancel Novak Djokovic over not taking COVID shot dies while covering Australian Open

  1. “More than 10 billion doses have been administered worldwide and there is now a wealth of evidence out there,” Dickson wrote in 2022.

    Yep, and he’s now one more piece of that evidence. You’re nothing but a statistic, there, Dickson.

  2. He was a tennis journalist. I wonder what made him believe he knew anything about molecular biology, virology, immunology, and human rights? Nothing else is obvious, so it must have been hubris, the classical definition of which is, of course, “fatal pride.”

  3. He was a son-of-a-dick.

    Who the heck ever grew up wanting to be a tennis reporter?

    I suggest a new illness for what killed him. I call it “tennis neck”. When someone moves his head back & forth 15,000 times or so in a lifetime, something in the neck’s gotta give.

  4. He reaped what he sowed – (Job 4:8) and deserved an ironic fatal fate.

    Proverbs 26:27
    “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.”


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