Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering – IOTW Report

Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering

Get the info and upcoming links from Gateway Pundit.

31 Comments on Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering

  1. Apologies for not holding my breath waiting for the “earth shattering” information. My cynicism is saying it will be more like a silent fart. You won’t hear it, but it will stink.

  2. Jovan is the man-I wouldn’t write him off just yet. And I certainly wouldn’t disparage him either.

    One thing you can bet your last donut on is that we’ll be gas lighted on any of the revealed fraud.

  3. Good grief. There’s no real information there. But in classic Gateway Pundit style, you have to wade through a morass of fonts, colors, superfluous sub-heads and stuff hanging on the sides and flopping around the text before you realize it’s a complete waste of time.

  4. “Earth Shattering”, “Bombshell”, “Game-changing”, are all meaningless now and overused. I’m guessing the report will have about as much impact as a fart in a windstorm. It will show fraud did occur and is provable. Unfortunately, this will not translate into any action or change.

  5. It wouldn’t matter if they had video of ballots being counted multiple times as well as signed confessions from perpetrators of fraud in a half-dozen states. The media, the legislatures and the judiciary (on numerous levels) are all bought and paid for–as is the outcome.
    Change my mind.

  6. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS August 19, 2021 at 4:16 pm –

    “…Huh. Hope porn. Never saw THAT before./s

    Release the *yawn* uh, Kraken, n such, and, uh, it’ll be inpressi…zzzzzzZzzzZZZZzz,-zzzz….”

    Followed by: ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS August 19, 2021 at 4:33 pm –

    “…I regret that I only have one upthumb to give for your spot-on analysis of GP…”

    Agreed and agreed.

  7. I’m not holding my breath. We sure could use some good news. You gotta hand it to AZ conservatives for seeing this through. If it ends up being earthshatteringepicbombshellBOOM, I hope it lights a fire for the rest of these states to get moving on their audits. The imposters been in office for 7 months. If you told me seven months ago he could do this much damage I would have laughed at you. Just imagine what this country will be like in another 3 1/2 years.

  8. Uh-Huh… They may contain awful information, but I guarantee you it will be ignored and not a goddamn thing will be done about it. We live in an anarcho-tyranny now. Laws are not equalizers anymore. They are clubs to beat us all into submission with by selective enforcement and non-enforcement. Our country is being morphed into an authoritarian shithole and virtually all the Senate is in on it.

  9. I’m with all of you who are tired of the overblown (BOOM) headlines from GP. Used to be one of my go-to sites when I started contributing here.

    Now … YAWN.

    That’s too bad, too. He just might have something to say, but I probably won’t read it because I cherish my sanity.

  10. I heard stuff like this over and over.
    Unfortunately, GP keeps publishing such articles with such headlines.
    Wake me up when something actually happens. The elections were stolen and we are still seeing “Huge”, “Breaking Exclusive” type headlines. Nothing other than that.

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