Joy Villa Destroys Diversity Propaganda at Congressional Hearing: ‘I Was Never Blacklisted Until I Became a Conservative’ – IOTW Report

Joy Villa Destroys Diversity Propaganda at Congressional Hearing: ‘I Was Never Blacklisted Until I Became a Conservative’

PJM: Political affiliation should be a protected class under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, says Joy Villa, recording artist and actress. Villa held court at the House Judiciary Committee hearing on “diversity in media” on Friday and gave a passionate defense of a conservative’s right to work in a country that is hostile to them.

“I’m mixed race,” she said. “I’m black, Chocktaw Native American on my mother’s side. I’m Italian and Argentinian on my father’s side. Until I came out as a conservative wearing a fabulous Make America Great Again dress for the Grammys four years ago, I had never been blacklisted.” more here

7 Comments on Joy Villa Destroys Diversity Propaganda at Congressional Hearing: ‘I Was Never Blacklisted Until I Became a Conservative’

  1. Ask the Negroes who were part of Dr. Friedman’s “Chicago Boys” 70 years ago’! Naming a name non economists are likely to know

    Ithas been this way at least 80 years.


    I am conservative I think , next to Dr. Friedmann, Dr. Sowell is the best economist in America the last 80 years.
    I admit bias

  2. The Borg media will not show any of this because they couldn’t get Whitlock or Villa to say anything negative about Trump.
    Suckerberg did an interview a few days ago and said something to effect of, “…we in the media need to ….. fact check…something…” The point being he put himself in the category of the media and not a public platform of free speech.

  3. I disagree with the statement. “Political affiliation should be a protected class under the Civil Rights Act of 1964”. A political party that is full of murderous lying scumbag criminals that want to destroy freedom should be not only be censored but eradicated.

  4. The thing is, the left ALREADY have all of the rights and protections. We need to get them for conservatives too. Too many people are afraid to say they are conservative and this needs to be stopped. No one in this country should be allowed to censor someone over support for the president. This is unprecedented behavior.

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