JPMorgan Strategist Predicts Joe Biden Will Drop Out of Presidential Race Between Super Tuesday and the November Election Due to Health Concerns – IOTW Report

JPMorgan Strategist Predicts Joe Biden Will Drop Out of Presidential Race Between Super Tuesday and the November Election Due to Health Concerns

Oh please. They’re going to prop him up by a window and wave his arm like a dead Russian president. – Story

23 Comments on JPMorgan Strategist Predicts Joe Biden Will Drop Out of Presidential Race Between Super Tuesday and the November Election Due to Health Concerns

  1. It would be a sin for me to hope for the ugly and painful and very quick death that this anti-American communist Biden deserves.

    Oh well. Fucking die already. Make it entertaining. Fall down the stairs on Air Force One on camera so we can all enjoy it.

  2. Biden already said as much, back when he was President-elect:

    “Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

    He knows how this goes—well, he used to know, before his brain rotted completely.

  3. They will cheat to win after they select the next resident.

    Wish I could put a happy spin on it, but we already are a banana republic. Votes mean nothing. Which is terrible, since people died to provide us the privilege for our votes to be rigged.

  4. Is it wrong for me to wish the same to those that hate me/us??

    Doesn’t matter, I do hope those PIECES OF SHIT fuck off and die before they do any more damage.

  5. Said here 2.9years ago; Joe told us this! He said he would run ” … if health was good.”! I said the only thing known for longer than Jo’s brad health is that he was born a mental defective!

    GWB’s DOMINION would be in “Mortal Combat” if it fabricated a win in 2024 Bush got tobre he’d of UNIPARTY by not fighting if his libs were not “sure” to win! !

    I stend by my forecast! Bush will not fight a fight that may be “fair”! IF Rather actually had red conservatives he’d saved hundreds of hours and thousands f dollars. “Rather Gate” was prima facia evidence liberals lie when they say they know what conservative say!

    When Bush killed Ronny’s economic boom – and acted like War Monge, which was – Many conservatives blasted GHWB for pulling strings so his yellow bellied, coward son could get in TANG and be a pretend “parade ground warrior”. Blasted his VP Dan Potatoes for the same reason.

    had Dan linked to the conservatives blasting degenerate, coward GWB RatherGate would never have happened!

    When H.Hewit says hw knows what conservatives say and thing; he, like Dan, lies!

    For those ,60. JFK said not “reserfves’ would be called up for anam.

    I,foolishly, volunteered.

  6. He’ll drop out (or dead) AFTER he’s nominated. Then the DNC can appoint whoever they want without any sort of vote. It’s in their bylaws. This way they don’t have to go through dealing with the peasants voting, which may upset the pkans they have.

  7. “Which is terrible, since people died to provide us the privilege for our votes to be rigged.” -Immortal Fish

    Right. We were free before voting to become slaves requiring that people die again when shooting our way back to freedom.

    We don’t learn and it has always been so.

  8. Cynic may be onto something. The Dems have used a candidate substitution tactic in local elections in the past. The candidate dies or withdraws and the Dems then substitute someone else without bothering to go through all that messy legal stuff that surrounds elections, including campaigning and having the candidate’s name printed on ballots.

  9. Hang onto your pants – America’s about to get fucked again.

    Nothing good comes of Demonrat manipulations.

    “At some point, you’ve stolen enough elections!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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