Juanita Broaddrick refuses to accept GoFundMe donations – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick refuses to accept GoFundMe donations

WaTimes: Juanita Broaddrick has a message for her supporters: Don’t fund me.

Ms. Broaddrick, who has long alleged that she was raped by former President Bill Clinton, said Sunday that a GoFundMe page was recently established on her behalf, but that she asked for it to be removed.

“Well meaning people set up a gofundme page for me. It has now been discontinued at my request,” tweeted Ms. Broaddrick. “I won’t take any money for what I am doing. DO NOT GIVE TO ANY GOFUNDME ACCOUNT FOR ME.”

Her message came amid news coverage of two GoFundMe accounts set up last month on behalf of Christine Blasey Ford, which soared past their goals and amassed more than $738,000. Both pages have stopped accepting donations.  more here

8 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick refuses to accept GoFundMe donations

  1. Ms. Broaddrick just removed all doubt from my mind about her motives, character and honesty. There is no doubt left, no tiny nagging lingering question tucked away back in my mind. Where I was 98% certain she was telling the truth, I am now 100%. Bill Clinton raped this woman.

    Strange as it is, I would donate if she had a GoFundMe page. In her case, however, she wants justice. Unless and until she is heard in the justice system, GoFundMe will not provide what she is looking for.

  2. I listened to her interview with a radio talk show host (Prager?) the other day. If you want to know what real terror sounds like…. It was truly gut-wrenching.

    She said that clinton was saying something to her as he raped her a second time during his assault. She was asked what he said and she responded, “It was so horrible, so vile…I don’t even want to repeat what he said.”

    (I didn’t know he raped her two times. What a horror to have to go through that.)

  3. Good for her! She has, however, urged people to contribute to Kathleen Willey, another of BJ’s victims, because her house is being foreclosed.

    I hope I live long enough to see Broaddrick vindicated.


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