Juanita Broaddrick Trolls McCarthy  – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick Trolls McCarthy 


Media Right News: Juanita Broaddrick, broadly known for accusing former Democrat Presidential Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, is blasting U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on X/Twitter. Broaddrick has established herself as a well known conservative commentator and political pundit.

She has historically supported former President Donald Trump and been vocal against both Democrats and anti-Trump RINOs. As indictment after indictment continue to hit Trump by what many feel is a politically motivated left wing witch hunt such as the Russian collusion hoax was, many feel that the Biden family is in fact actually guilty of crimes. more

11 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick Trolls McCarthy 

  1. I was reading on Revolver this morning about a phone call that was made on Jan 6th where during the Capitol riots Trump called McCarthy, chastising him, and gloating about the breach, saying the people care more about the steal than McCarthy. That McCarthy told Trump to make a statement to calm the crowd but he refused.

    Somehow Jack Smith either got a copy of this phone call or the transcript and is using it as part of the indictment. This begs the question, who was the rat that turned it over and is cooperating with the prosecution? Mark Meadows and Jared Kirschenr were in the room and heard the phone call and ironically neither is mentioned as one of the six co-conspirators yet to be charged.

    There is a snitch in desperate need of some stitches.

  2. The much bigger story is how Oblowme and his tribe have been running the White House out of their D.C. Home Office. I don’t get too excited about the unceasing indictment skirmishes — which are simply buying time for more “fundamental changes” to America. I want to see the picture graph with the lines connecting all the oblowme actors inside the WH and the guys and gals in the obamabunker.

    It’s not like no one knows who they all are.

  3. …and completely lost and forgotten amongst all the “Biden Crime Family” stuff is the cacophonous silence of Oblowme’s involvement in any of it. And you know that ridiculous buffoon, Joe Biden, wouldn’t have done any of this stuff without the express approval (and negotiated cut of the money) from oblowme.

  4. No worries, the GOP has their best magician working on this.
    Nothing in his hand, nothing up his sleeve, reaches in his top hat pulls out a big screamin Trump head. Puts it back in & says, I gotta get a different hat. Maybe next week, this week they came up zero.

  5. All the RINOs and Conservative who were all in with their chips for McCarthy knew he was weak. No one was thinking he had the Balls to be a leader.

    First and foremost Congressmen want to be survivors (reelected). Concentration is raising money to be reelected to gain Committee Chairmanship, to do favors for those who contribute and raise more money for reelection.

    That is where McCarthy shines, he’s in for the long haul. Not Leadership, not meaningful legislation, not ridding Government of Corruption and waste. It is power, position, longevity and retiring with a sweetheart Government Retirement Package, a book deal, have a bridge named after you and pocket a few million dollars to live out your life in luxury, like Robert Byrd, Reid and Boehner and so many other Senators and Congressmen before him.

  6. And that right there is the problem. Unrealistic expectations. You want crooked politicians who will break laws to prove a point. Be it religious, abortion or your cult main man Keep my ass outta Prison, Donny. You got corrupt politicians, but for the most part only want to line their pockets & that is playing it safe in their minds. Oh please getting rid of Corruption & waste, I got my boots on but…
    In 2016, Trump’s campaign was “The party of law & order”. To:
    Burn it all down. Yep the republican party turned into a shithole because of YOU KNOW WHO.

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