Juanita Broaddrick Twit-slaps Chelsea Clinton – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick Twit-slaps Chelsea Clinton


WND: After Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter attacked GOP nominee Donald Trump for daring to mention her father’s sexual “transgressions” this week, Juanita Broaddrick – who famously accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her – took to Twitter Wednesday to deliver the bad news to Chelsea Clinton: “Your parents are not good people,” and “Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator.”

A series of six tweets came from Broaddrick, who says Clinton raped her in a hotel room 38 years ago. WND recently reported that a nurse who treated her after the alleged sexual assault confirmed Broaddrick’s account.

After the first presidential debate Monday, Trump said he didn’t want to discuss the issue of Clinton’s sexual “transgressions” because the former first daughter was present at the event.

“I didn’t want to do it with Chelsea … I didn’t want to say what I was going to say with Chelsea in the room,” Trump told ABC News.

Chelsea responded to Trump’s statement during an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine:

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss

19 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick Twit-slaps Chelsea Clinton

  1. Tomdrum, a great question for someone with balls to sneak at her during that town hall debate would be “why did you take your declaration that all rape victims must be believed off your website ??”

  2. So horsefaced Chelsea is defending mommy and daddy dearest? Really? WHY? ooo right, the Clinton Cartel millions of dollars at her beckon. This slut is as greedy and corrupted as Mom and Dad Clinton. No surprises there, folks.

  3. The fact that little Chelsea married Medvinsky says quite a lot about this family. Father in law is a criminal. Her spouse ran a hedgefund and let it go bust. I guess CGI is the family welfare trust.

  4. Chelsea,s husband is another money grubber like the rest. Think about him being face to face doing the wild thing looking into the twin of Web Hubbel with those big carp like lips…..yukkkk sorry

  5. I wonder whether Chelsea lies awake some nights and realizes that her father is a sexual predator and her mother aided and abetted the rape and sexual battering of women of every age. She’s not stupid, maybe criminally inclined like her folks but not stupid.

  6. Funny how millions upon millions of Cartel bucks soothes the savaged breast, YUK!!! and talking about Horselips Vajayjay is enough to make me barf all night.. throw the nag some corn ears and let her nibble away her anger at the truth.

  7. Oh, I wouldn’t rule out stupid just yet scr_north.
    She once told an interviewer how sad it was that her grandmother didn’t have access to birth control like women do now. Just think of the possibilities if she had. No Hillary therefore no Chelsea. Well, one can dream I guess.

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