Judge blocks pro-life group from releasing StemExpress footage – IOTW Report

Judge blocks pro-life group from releasing StemExpress footage


stem express


A company spokesman told the Associated Press that StemExpress is “grateful its rights have been vindicated in a court of law,” but the center said in a statement that the court threw out most of the company’s request.  MORE

13 Comments on Judge blocks pro-life group from releasing StemExpress footage

  1. It appears the judiciary continues to thwart free speech to protect the rights of those who profit from planned parenthood’s debauchery. Sad commentary all the way around.

    Free speech must remain unfettered. Defund PP now.

  2. Release the videos and say they were hacked by extremists then say your server was wiped clean. It works for democrats all the time. The democrats have stacked our courts and we need to stop playing by their rules.

    Release the videos and let the chips fall where they may.

    I can’t believe what a moral cesspool our country has become.

  3. Since when do corporations have “rights?”

    “… or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people …”

    Can’t find any mention of corporations.
    Corporations exist by citizens freely entering contracts with one another.
    The “Corporation” as an “artificial person” could be construed thus, but I don’t see how that would confer it “rights.”

  4. The corporation becomes a collective entity that conveys the rights of the “…citizens freely entering contracts with one another”
    By your logic the NY Times is not the press, only the reporters are

  5. It appears to me that this judge managed to carefully narrow the request that was twice filed with the court twice, because the request was “overly broad”. It sounds to me that he had narrowed the complaint to a single item and will grant a hearing on that sole issue in Mid August.

    This is going to get a hearing in a court of law, instead of just in the court of public opinion. Let’s reserve judgement on this until the court has a chance to hear evidence and rule. This is how our legal system works, and is supposed to work. I think it is rushing to judgement to denounce this judge for what I think was a fair and responsible ruling on what he would allow to be presented at a formal hearing.

    The courts do not move as fast as our lives do, nor should they. There has to be time for both sides in a dispute to prepare their case and present their evidence. We do not have forgone conclusions in our court systems. Our system is set up under the Constitution and as far as I can tell from this article, it appears the system is operating exactly as intended.

    I counsel patience.

  6. “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.” – Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospel of Luke chapter 11 and verse 52.

    Sure wouldn’t want to be this guy on judgment day!!

  7. I think Rand Paul said he had 58 votes to defund PP? How can there possibly be 42 who oppose it?

    Same with IRS. With all the damning evidence against, the IRS it is still targeting conservatives!

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