Judge: Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Was Responsible For Her Death, Not a ‘Bad Warrant’ – IOTW Report

Judge: Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Was Responsible For Her Death, Not a ‘Bad Warrant’

Drops Federal Charges Against Pair of Louisville Police Officers.

5 Comments on Judge: Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Was Responsible For Her Death, Not a ‘Bad Warrant’

  1. “After announcing themselves several times”

    Bull Shit! This was reported as a No Knock Warrant until the cops were charged. I realize these were probably bad peeps but, you bust down some doors at 0 dark thirty plan on getting shot.

  2. We have a SERIOUS problem in this country with police. NOBODY seems willing to have an HONEST discussion about how we got here and how it can be addressed. Obviously it starts with the mountain of laws on the books with ZERO victims. These “consensual” crimes encourage police to violate rights, etc. to catch these so-called criminals because there will NEVER be a victim standing up reporting the crime. Then there are the no-knock raids (which are a BIG product of the victimless crime laws). Then there are the asset forfeiture laws that make property the “criminal” and subject to THEFT by the police. This becomes far too enticing for the greedy public “servants.” In my opinion, the ONLY solution is to END the government MONOPOLY on policing, and restore a fully competitive marketplace of SECURITY providers that compete for business and that are held 100% accountable by law and by the market, for their behavior. You may not think that something as important as policing should be left to the free market…I mean after all, look at what a great job government monopoly schools are doing. LOL Something obviously has to change.

  3. “No Knock” warrants are judicial abominations.
    That being said (written) the simple fact is that I don’t believe any-fukkin-body about these things. Cops are liars, drug dealers are liars, judges are liars, and Merrick Garland is MOST CERTAINLY a liar.

    And, besides all that, aren’t cops taught to IDENTIFY THEIR TARGETS?
    Every kid that went out into the woods to hunt deer (in the old days) was admonished to identify the target before even pointing the weapon, much less firing indiscriminately in the general direction of some moving leaves or underbrush.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Notice no demonstrations or burning down the cities?????
    Can’t have that after the DNC Convention and an election around the corner. Think about it. Proves all the riots are a DNC creation. We already knew this.


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