Judge Compares Dallas Cop Suing Black Lives Matter to a ‘Slave’ – IOTW Report

Judge Compares Dallas Cop Suing Black Lives Matter to a ‘Slave’


Breitbart: A Texas judge likened a black Dallas Police Sergeant to a clueless slave in response to the cop’s lawsuit against Black Lives Matter and its high-profile supporters.

Andrea Martin, 304th District Court Judge in Dallas County (D), told her network of friends on Facebook Saturday that Sgt. Demetrick Pennie was like a slave that Harriet Tubman could not free because he could not comprehend his own bondage. The post elicited a number of supporters to Judge Martin’s sentiment, typically calling Pennie a “coon” and other derisive messages. A sitting Texas State Representative apparently joined the racialist banter as well.


15 Comments on Judge Compares Dallas Cop Suing Black Lives Matter to a ‘Slave’

  1. Wow. The level of racism and hatred from blacks against one of their own who doesn’t bow and scrape to the Leftist agenda is staggering. Reading through those comments does nothing to dispel the stereotype that black people are unwilling to think for themselves. And that’s a damn shame. In their blind, mindless effort to paint this police officer as a “self-hating black,” they only revealed their own inability to escape groupthink. The problem with modern-day slavery is the chains are not on your body; the chains are on the mind.

  2. Well, anyone who is not black can use this to force the Judge to recuse herself if they don’t want her. There is no way she can justify the racial slurs and insulting language she has used. White DA’s should now be able to force her off cases where the defendant is white or for that matter black as her rant has implied her natural bias in face of the color of the defendant or plaintiff. I hope the text of her comments made it, in full to the papers.

  3. Now that’s she’s publicly admitted her racism, doesn’t this call in to question her fairness on any case in front of her regarding racism/hate crimes? Or in the past, for that matter.

  4. She is one tip of the racist iceberg that is Dallas, TX. The city government, the county government under john wiley price, the courts, all are dominated by this type of racist. Dallas is a black city now, and will soon follow behind Detroit, Ferguson, Charlotte, and others in the decline. The five murdered cops recently are the immersion into chaos, as orchestrated by Barky Hussein and George Soros.

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