Judge: Constitution doesn’t give a parent rights over child – IOTW Report

Judge: Constitution doesn’t give a parent rights over child

Judge allows schools to withhold gender identity of students from their parents

Constitution doesn’t give Aurora Regino the rights over her daughter she claims, Bush nominee says. Kids’ genital surgeries full of unknowns, surgeon admits in since-hidden video.

27 Comments on Judge: Constitution doesn’t give a parent rights over child

  1. It isn’t any longer a debatable issue: govt mandated child conditioning and indoctrination institutions, so-called “public schools”, are abusing children. Parents who send their kids off to such places are guilty of child abuse.

  2. Well then I’m sending a bill for housing and feeding my kids and other medical expenses because they must be yours. But first show me where it says you have any rights over my kids in the Constitution ?? And why aren’t you paying school taxes instead of property owners. BS boy these weirdo’s have to go bye bye.

  3. Hmmm…the Supreme Court ruled that parents have the right to raise their children as they choose in Meyer v. Nebraska (1923) and in Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925) and that parents have the right to make decisions about their children in Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) and Troxel v. Granville (2000) and that parents have the right to resist coercive state intervention in the family in Duchesne v. Sugarman (1972).

    A hundred years of the Court’s affirming parents’ constitutional rights to the care, custody, and control of their children and all ignored in this decision because of the Klu Klux Tran.

    This decision can’t stand.

  4. A major problem in public schools in particular is that parents are not involved in their child’s education. That involvement is not particularly onerous; ask your kid what he or she did in school today, make sure they do their homework, make sure they actually go to school and monitor their grades. Most teachers I know (and that’s actually a lot of them) claim that the educational process would be much better with parental involvement.

    Except, apparently, when it comes to this gender dysphoria nonsense – although I also socialilze with a lot of liberal teachers who are actually against subjecting minors to medical gender transitioning procedures. California does have a state law which ostensibly “protects” students who want to identify as another gender, but parents do have rights over their children in the education field. For one, parents can choose if their children even go to public school – they can chose private school or home school. Parents and care-givers need to be fully involved in their children’s schooling.

    Imagine that your sixth grade child had “whisky and cigar hour” instead of recess or PE. Wouldn’t you want to know about this and have some input? Or if your child came home and said “we’re studying needle work in home economics, and I have the track marks on my arm to prove it.” Parents would put a stop to this post haste, and grooming children for gender confusion should be in the same category.

  5. Oh, for fuck’s sake … that’s supposed to be a “learned” judge?
    The Constitution circumscribes the Government, you fucking moron!
    NOT parents!

    Unless the Constitution specifically grants the Government rights over children, it ain’t so! And my copy of the Constitution is silent on the matter of parental rights – thus – that power is NOT granted the, any, Government.

    Dude needs to go back to Jr. High and listen more closely to his Civics lessons.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Uncle Al said: It isn’t any longer a debatable issue: govt mandated child conditioning and indoctrination institutions, so-called “public schools”, are abusing children. Parents who send their kids off to such places are guilty of child abuse.
    Uncle Al, I’ve been arguing that for years. I’ve had the discussion with parents who have a lot of excuses as to why they have to; work, can’t do it, their kids won’t be socialized, etc. The cool thing about educating your own child is you do it on your own schedule, you’re not held to 8 to 3. It actually takes an hour or less for younger kids to teach them more than would have learned in 8 hours at school.
    You can’t deny kids are molested in schools, taught immoral behavior, etc., besides the fact you put your children in a fish bowl for any evil person to pick them off.

    As those of us who have raised our kids know, the time with your children is short, in the blind of an eye they’re grown. Do your job in that short amount of time and educate your own children, and protect your own children. Where there is a will there’s always a way.

  7. Time to take these pedo grooming advocates (judges, teachers, school board, admin, et al) into the forest for a niiiiice long walk.
    And if they don’t happen to return……?

  8. time or money. sending kids off to private school is expensive and home school requires time. many families have two bread winners and short on both time and money. i raised my nephew and sent him to public school. the indoctrination of the time was climate change. made sure he had a good look at the al gore homes and the accompanying electric bill. had many conversations about where electricity comes from and how the climate change proponent is a money grubbing hypocrite. made sure he new that while school is important, it is more important to survive and be free. also made sure he was aware that mankind doesn’t know shet. how can you determine climate change when the earths pole oscillations are increasing in magnitude. anyways, it can be done with public school, but it is a chore. probably more so now.

  9. The local public school system is being paid by the parents via mandatory taxes on their earnings to provide a service, which is to educate their children with a mandatory traditional, peer-reviewed education consisting primarily of the “Three R’s” (“Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic”), and any other approved, advanced academic learning which enhances and improves the basic and traditional “Three R’s.

    If they fail, refuse, or are incapable of, providing that service, then…fill in the blank(s):
    3)…et al.

  10. The Constitution does not grant or create rights. It recognizes rights such as natural rights. The parents rights to their children are natural and traditional rights. The judge needs to be slapped down fast and hard.

  11. We cannot fix the judiciary.
    We must (eventually) shovel out the filth.
    These megalomaniacal maggots who legislate from the bench need to be excised.
    Perhaps re-educated for a hundred years, or so, on an asparagus farm in the Yukon?
    Or maybe remedial reading/comprehension courses while in prison?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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