Judge Declines Jail for Two Men Who Impersonated DC Federal Agents – IOTW Report

Judge Declines Jail for Two Men Who Impersonated DC Federal Agents

Why would they be jailed? They work for 0bama, Brennan, and Holder.
You know… allegedly. Has anyone asked if they know the Awan brothers?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a big fan of theirs.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey (Obama appointee in 2015) declined to hold the two men in jail who are accused of impersonating federal agents in Washington DC. “There’s been no showing that national security information has been compromised,” Harvey said in his decision. more

16 Comments on Judge Declines Jail for Two Men Who Impersonated DC Federal Agents

  1. “There’s been no showing that national security information has been compromised.”

    So if someone attempts a robbery but is unsuccessful that means they don’t get held in jail because there is no evidence an money was taken?

  2. ““There’s been no showing that national security information has been compromised,” Harvey said in his decision.”

    Isn’t impersonating an officer a crime all by itself, regardless of what you accomplish by doing so? Jesus Christ, the “thinking” of this judge…


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