Judge Formally Ends Case Against Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Judge Formally Ends Case Against Jeffrey Epstein


NEW YORK (AP) — A judge formally ended the criminal case against Jeffrey Epstein on Thursday, but not without a final tribute to the women who spoke out against the financier.

U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman took the procedural step of adding his initials to an order dismissing the indictment that charged the 66-year-old Epstein with conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors and sex trafficking of minors in the early 2000s in Florida and New York.

In requesting the action 10 days earlier, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, who is not related to the judge, noted that the law required the dismissal after Epstein killed himself in jail Aug. 10 while he was awaiting trial.

Though anticipated, Berman’s action included a reference to a Tuesday court hearing where 16 women spoke about their claims against Epstein of sexual abuse, some committed when they were under the age of consent. Statements by several other women were read by their lawyers.

The judge said he was incorporating by reference the hearing’s transcript while he “underscores the significance of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.”

Among other things, the victims’ law ensures crime victims have the right to be heard at public court proceedings regarding the accused.

At the unusual hearing, women detailed how Epstein abused them. The women said he used his financial power and connections to famous people to make them vulnerable, some as teenagers, to sexual attacks that sometimes continued for years.

The allegations mirrored criminal charges in which prosecutors said Epstein repeatedly assaulted women and teenage girls in the early 2000s at his $77 million Manhattan mansion and at another opulent estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

Attorney General William Barr has promised the Justice Department he will pursue those who enabled Epstein to carry out the sexual assaults. more here

12 Comments on Judge Formally Ends Case Against Jeffrey Epstein

  1. Civil cases will move forward. It seems there is no justice in criminal court. A victim is forced into a civil case, sue for damages, and further enrich the bottom dwelling legal profession. I’m not as optimistic as I usually am.

  2. This is the point of him being dead. Almost everyone is silenced. What got him there by the prosecution when he lived exists. The rest is tears in rain. A posthumous trial, in this case, leads to too many culpable and criminal personages. It is best, in this case, to protect the guilty.

  3. Barr? Thank God he’s on the case.

    After the way he handled Comey, I’m sure everybody who’s not a top level govt employee will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law…..unless they have tons of money or know people in politics.

    But yeah, real powerhouse of a guy.

  4. The old adage; money talks, bullshit walks, is still alive and thriving.

    Peons with little or no money will continue to eat shit while the ‘elite’ wine and dine in comfort.

  5. how ‘neat’ … how ‘tidy’
    now, no D’rat perv is indicted, no Ho-Wood sicko is held to account, no one involved brought to justice … & no victim has it

    we have no justice system, just varying degrees of injustice … from illegal alien rapists & murderers to D’rat slave trafficking, murder & government overthrow … don’t worry, we still have Social Media …. it’s a Brave New World kiddies!

    Enjoy! pass the Soma

  6. Barr is a fraud because he will not prosecute Comey. Now Epstein is a free man, too. DOJ is the clown cabal — just for laughs, and will be going after red-flagged, mentally deranged gun owners, not sadistic pedophiles. However, Antifa aggression will get so much political sympathetic leniency because — being White is so threatening!! Antifa’s violence is going to increase because it is being allowed AND funded.


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