Judge Gets Suspended for Being an Unhinged Social Justice Warrior – IOTW Report

Judge Gets Suspended for Being an Unhinged Social Justice Warrior

Liberty Daily:

The Louisiana Supreme Court has temporarily removed 19th Judicial District Judge Eboni Johnson Rose from her elected post, citing concerns that she poses a “substantial threat of serious harm to the public” amid a formal investigation by the Louisiana Judiciary Commission. The Court’s decision, made in a 5-2 ruling, comes in the wake of allegations of misconduct in four separate criminal cases. more

24 Comments on Judge Gets Suspended for Being an Unhinged Social Justice Warrior

  1. “Judge Rose has acknowledged that she performed poorly in some of the cases in question, but has maintained that her actions were the result of unintentional mistakes and oversights rather than deliberate indifference or bad faith.”

    So, she’s not indifferent, just stupid. Got it. So let’s keep her on the bench. SMH

  2. 5-2 decision. I just did a search for a photo of the Louisiana Supreme Court. 5 white men, and two fat women, one of whom is black. Gee, I wonder who the “5” were and who the “2” were.

  3. I watched some clips of a trial in Georgia, Fani Willis’ district. This black female prosecutor questioning some black guy is honestly embarrassing. She can’t say, “asked,” it’s “axed” every time. Her questions are more statements, she wouldn’t be a lawyer if she was any other race because it’s obvious she wasn’t intelligent enough to pass any college course if she had been graded on her ability and intelligence. That is also one crooked ass county, the other judge, also black, but male was already kicked off because they knew the Georgia Supreme Court meant either they do it or they would because of how he went after defense attorneys after he wrongly met with prosecutors and a witness and tried to hide it. He even threw one of the defense attorneys in jail because he wouldn’t tell him how he found out about the meeting.

  4. The biggest lie Americans were ever told in school was that Jim Crow laws and segregation happened because white people were mean. In reality, whites wanted to build a civilization, and it was readily apparent that you can’t do that with too many blacks around, especially in highly trusted jobs, of which 90% of them simply lack the intelligence or character to handle.

    If their job allows them to steal, they will steal simply because they can. If their job allows them to engage in their vicious racial tribalism, then they’re gonna do it because their hatred of whitey is a core element of their demonic being.

  5. Read her defense. Her defense proves she is incompetent and needs to be removed for that alone. She has zero excuse for wielding the club of false racist accusation.

  6. White people are the finest expression of the human genome produced to date. Without the white race the world would still be living as it did 1000 years ago, as it had for the previous ten thousand years.

    The truth of the superiority of this expression of the human genome is literally all around us. All the lesser expressions rushed to take those previously unattainable fruits and the whites graciously allowed them to do so. In their excitement over gaining the use of these previously unimaginable gifts they forget themselves, and like the townsfolk did with the goose that laid the golden eggs, they seek to eliminate the source of their unearned good fortune to expose the rest of the imagined wealth it possesses.

    Should they succeed, the world will subside into the state it occupied prior to the ascendance of the white race, perhaps never to recover again.

    Before the current anti-white racist squawking I was all in for equality. Now that the BIPOC have slipped their mask I’ve no further interest in egalitarianism on this subject.


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