Judge Gives Avenatti A Choice: Give Up TV Or Leave My Court – IOTW Report

Judge Gives Avenatti A Choice: Give Up TV Or Leave My Court

DC: U.S. District Court Judge Kimba Wood forcefully reprimanded attorney Michael Avenatti Wednesday during a hearing on his motion to intervene in the federal case against embattled Trump-fixer Michael Cohen, advising that he must curtail his media appearances if he hopes to participate in the proceedings.

Avenatti, who represents adult film actress Stephanie Clifford — known professionally as Stormy Daniels — in an ongoing civil action against President Donald Trump, has spoken widely in the press about the criminal case against Cohen in a New York federal court. The tenor of his public campaign against Cohen, and the tactics on which he relied, were not well received by Wood.

“This conduct is inimical to eventually giving Mr. Cohen a fair trial,” the judge said of Avenatti, lately a fixture on the cable news circuit, according to a New York Daily News reporter present for the proceedings. She then warned him to immediately conclude his “publicity tour.”  more here

SNIP: Attention whores gotta whore…

7 Comments on Judge Gives Avenatti A Choice: Give Up TV Or Leave My Court

  1. I sorta kinda wish the judge had OKed Avenatti’s participation and then refused to allow him to withdraw. I’d bet he could not tear himself away from the publicity and the judge would have no choice (heh, heh) but to lock him up for contempt.


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