Judge Jeanine: The left’s attempted coup d’état exposed – IOTW Report

Judge Jeanine: The left’s attempted coup d’état exposed

Evidence shows former President Barack Obama and his administration were the hub of a bloodless coup.

20 Comments on Judge Jeanine: The left’s attempted coup d’état exposed

  1. Not on my usual viewing list but happened to catch her last night in the process of slapping Lindsey about the head and neck for not going after anybody.

  2. I remember a time when stuff like this infuriated me.

    Ah. The good old days.

    The corruption is so much deeper than we even realized that it barely deserves a shrug nowadays.

  3. Obama brought Chicago politics to the deep state and gave it the attitude that they were untouchable. He just wasn’t smart enough to manage it. Although, the Clinton’s didn’t do him any favors either.
    This is a good point in history to bring some elites down anyway.

  4. I’ve talked to a number of people about this bullshit, Liberal, Libertarian, Conservative. White collar, Blue Collar, Retired collar and pervasively they say “Fuck You Brute”….People are pissed. Jobs, economics, investments, I think the candle might be lit…..

  5. Yep willy it has been lit. Wait for Sundance to light the zipo.
    Flynn is a free man and everyone who tried the screw him is in deep shit. This goes to the White House.
    We are not going to need shoot are way out of this people are going to go to jail.
    Might not get obama but others are going down.
    I will bet iOTW bucks on it.
    They are scared right now,Grenell has them on their heels.
    Watch and wait.
    It flushed out obama. Why? he is scared shitless that is why.
    As President Trump has said we caught them all including the big fish.

  6. Is it okay to hope yet? Or will I be spurned and kicked to the curb once again?

    So much hinges on the John Durham investigation, and so much hinges on a/any former Obama administration key figure turning state’s evidence.

    When the low-information news agencies actually report on the crimes committed by Barack Hussein Soetero Obama and his crime syndicate cabinet, then I will truly have hope.

  7. strrin the pot. Yep it is Ok to hope and also have faith.
    Things are coming together very nicely.
    It has been a long slog and now things are being revealed that we all new took place.
    More will come out in the next few weeks, Covid19 is the last gasp.Look at how the dem leaders are treating it,shut down the blue states for months.
    It will not work, trust our President, has he been wrong yet since we elected him?

  8. @Nufftin May 10, 2020 at 10:07 pm

    There hasn’t been a republic, on North America, since “powder and ball” was a thing.

    Hard to get nostalgic, over the dreams of “my” great-great-great-great-grand-pappy-maybe.

  9. @stirrin the pot May 10, 2020 at 10:22 pm

    > So much hinges on the John Durham investigation, and so much hinges on a/any former Obama administration key figure turning state’s evidence.

    Nothing. The mathematical definition of “zero”. Not “within an undescribed”, not “within a defined”, “margin of error”. Absolutely. Completely. Exactly. Zero. “[H]inges on the John Durham investigation.” Or the Huber investigation. Or the Congressional investigations

    If this, the current, investigation finds nothing (that any reasonable prosecutor would prosecute)… then the rule of law has spoken. Nothing to see, here. The Party is All Good. Same as it ever was. Move along, loyal citizen. You are, loyal? Aren’t you? Citizen?

    If this, the current, investigation finds something, that a reasonable prosecutor might prosecute, but the Princely Court of The Party deems… insufficient… then the rule of law has spoken. Nothing to see, here. The Party is All Good. Same as it ever was. Move along, loyal citizen. You are, loyal? Aren’t you? Citizen?

    If this, the current, investigation finds something, that a reasonable prosecutor might prosecute, and the Princely Court of The Party deems… worthy… then the rule of law has spoken. These xen are not, now, in this, the current, year, Party members in Good standing. Nothing to see, here. The Party is All Good. Same as it ever was. Move along, loyal citizen. You are, loyal? Aren’t you? Citizen?

    All roads lead to The Party. Same as it ever was.

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