Judge Joe Brown Explains The Barack Obama & George Bush Family Connection – IOTW Report

Judge Joe Brown Explains The Barack Obama & George Bush Family Connection

h/t Ed357

21 Comments on Judge Joe Brown Explains The Barack Obama & George Bush Family Connection

  1. Then Hillary was just a murderous, pushy grifter who never noticed that she’d worn out her guest pass? When the clubsters get their mojo back, whale oil beef hooked.

  2. So with all that $$$ & connections why did barry’s “mom” pose nude with her flaps out?

    She is the American precursor version of Margaret Trudeau (Justine’s mom) Who also got photoed at Club 54 in NY with her flaps out.

    It must be a “prove you have no morals thing”

    Google it.

  3. I’m beginning to think that being in the Big club is akin to being in the worst, most snobbiest clique in Junior High school ever. You know the types, insufferable assholes who think that they’re better than everyone else because of their social status. Count me out, I had enough of that shit when I was 13.

  4. Global domination is a big prize; takes a lot of money & power to begin with to pull it off; I suspect more than just 1 group would love to pluck this apple.
    But will it still be worth it once that happens?
    Commies never think beyond the win.

  5. 6 degrees of evil. Not surprised Barry’s a major part of a diabolical cabal.

    Mark 8:36 – The Holy Bible
    “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”


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