Judge Legalizes Incestuous Marriage – IOTW Report

Judge Legalizes Incestuous Marriage


Conservatives warned that imposing gay marriage on the country would lead to the legalization of polygamy, incest and bestiality. Liberals pretended that only crazy people would believe that.

Because somehow redefining marriage to mean “equality” for any arrangement in which people claim to be love would in no way lead to those things.

The law predictably disagrees.

Federal judge struck down a polygamy ban last year based on the promotion of gay marriage. Thislatest decision on incest is less explosive, but demonstrates the same principles.


5 Comments on Judge Legalizes Incestuous Marriage

  1. Incest is at bat.

    Pediaphiles are on deck.

    The Tromovitch and Bauserman’s 1998 meta-analysis published in the Psychological Bulletin, the leading scientific journal of the American Psychological Association, found that ramming a c**k up a seven year old boy’s bottom is not a Bad Thing™

    The Rind report findings:
    Self-reported reactions to and effects from CSA (child sexual abuse ) indicated that negative effects were neither pervasive nor typically intense, and that men reacted much less negatively than women. The college data were completely consistent with data from national samples. Basic beliefs about CSA in the general population were not supported “

    We, the general population, support the basic belief that having sex with children is a crime. The shrinks do not.

  2. I’m not altogether surprised that a New York court would find in favor of incest as I’ve always suspected that an far more child molesting and incest goes on in the homes of the rich, east coast progressives then one would expect. I’m pretty surprised that Maine expressly allows it and that four other States also allow it. I am kind of surprised that the state didn’t try to prove this was a sham marriage performed in order to allow the uncle to stay in the country after being ordered deported. In any event maybe it’s time to start dusting off those ropes.

  3. Thanks fucking liebertarians, for helping the commies to open the lid of pandora’s box

    oh, and about the libertarian fucking bullshit about “let’s just pull out all our troops and bring em home….

    create a vacuum of power much? possible boots BACK ON THE GROUND in the anbar province of iraq????

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