Judge Makes Embarrassing Mistake In His Ruling On Trump’s Refugee Order – IOTW Report

Judge Makes Embarrassing Mistake In His Ruling On Trump’s Refugee Order

DC: A federal judge in Los Angeles may have goofed his order barring the U.S. government from canceling valid immigration visas in connection with President Donald Trump’s refugee policy.

District Judge Andre Birotte of the Central District of California issued an order that forbade federal officials from “removing, detaining, or blocking the entry of Plaintiffs, or any other person from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen with a valid immigrant visa.”

The wording of his ruling is somewhat off base, and compromises the thrust of his order. A Department of State memorandum issued on Jan. 31 — several days before Birotte’s order — in conjunction with the president’s executive order rescinded all visas held by citizens of countries targeted in the ban. Therefore, there most likely were few, if any, “valid immigrant visas” for Birotte to protect, as all “valid immigrant visas” had been canceled days earlier.

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23 Comments on Judge Makes Embarrassing Mistake In His Ruling On Trump’s Refugee Order

  1. Oh, come on now. The letter of the law doesn’t matter. State Department rules don’t matter.

    What matters is that the weepy snowflakes get what they want, and that President Trump is denigrated.

    That’s all that matters.

  2. It’s the best of both worlds ruling for a liberal judge. He gets to grandstand and declare he’s for the poor downtrodden immigrant, while not having to face the real possibility that a murderous terrorist sneaks in thanks to his big footing his way into border security.

  3. “This type of confusion tends to proliferate on all sides when actions are rushed and litigation is taking place in multiple locations simultaneously.”

    The confusion is only proliferating on one side, though. It’s not President Trump’s fault this affirmative action judge was sleeping on the job. The judge should have people working for him who are up to speed on things, instead of being affirmative action hires like himself. It’s a vicious cycle of incompetence, and it’s a big part of the problem with government.

  4. Just like the distinction between “criminal illegal” aliens and “illegal” aliens.
    Doesn’t “illegal” imply “criminal?” “Valid” Immigrant Visa holders as opposed to “Non-Valid” Immigrant Visa holders? Do there exist “Non-Valid” Immigrant Visa holders? And if they do, why are they allowed?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “It’ll take years (at least 8) to weed these idiots out of our judicial system.”

    Sig94: It may or may not take that long, but under President Trump, we know it will get done, yes?

  6. “Fake Jurisprudence” has joined “fake news” in the Arsenal of Leftist Defense® against the American people!!!

    Did you hear that thud? That was the TRUMP TRAIN running over another lefty roadblock!!!

  7. Affirmative action judge indeed, on the fast track. Went from obscurity to being appointed US Attorney by Pres. BO in 2010, and 4 years later to Federal judge, again by “brother” Barack. Think of how many more of these there are out there.

  8. this fuckup by this leftist-appointed libtard judge isnt surprising to me.

    there’s an old joke that goes like this: Q – what do you call the guy who graduated last in his law school class? A – “your Honor”

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