Judge orders school to allow transgender student in boy’s bathroom – IOTW Report

Judge orders school to allow transgender student in boy’s bathroom

EAG: GLOUCESTER COURTHOUSE, Va. – Transgender student Gavin Grimm can now use the boy’s bathroom at school, despite the fact that he was born a she.

Gloucester High School student Gavin Grimm, a biological female who “identifies” as a male, was allowed to use the boy’s bathrooms at school until parents complained and the school board changed its restroom policy in December 2014. Grimm refused to use a unisex bathroom, and sued the school district with the help of the American Civil Liberties union alleging the restroom policy violated his constitutional rights and federal Title IX anti-discrimination laws, EAGnews reports.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia initially denied a request for a preliminary injunction to allow Grimm to use the male facilities, and dismissed the claim the policy also violates Title IX. But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reinstated Grimm’s Title IX claim in April.

The appeals court denied a request to revisit the case in May.  more

13 Comments on Judge orders school to allow transgender student in boy’s bathroom

  1. Once again . . . there’s a fire – they find human carcasses and the tests they do conclude whether or not the body is a male or female – not what they had “declared” themselves to be. I wonder what these “people” will do to be successful in life.

  2. Sometimes gender specific toilets put others into uncomfortable situations. That’s why there is a unisex bathroom, for those who feel uncomfortable. The judge essentially ruled that the children of the parents who complained should be the ones using the unisex bathroom because the tranny is making the boys feel uncomfortable. Therefore, every single boy that is being forced to use the unisex bathroom should sue in the same exact manner the tranny sued. That is, if all people are indeed created equal.

  3. Judging by the pudgy face, ample cheeks and 20 inch neck, I see much PT in its future before going into any branch of the military. They’ve been slacking up a little of late on that but not that slack. Right now, I’m thinking Navy. Mooring buoy. Twofer. Solves the toilet problem, too.

  4. It wants to see how a ‘peter’ works and what it’s for. I hope the boys have a good ol’ time watching it use a urinal.

    By the way, I wonder what ‘he’ does with his hygiene products?

  5. Once again the Judiciary proves it has no concept of “Justice” and is only a rubber-stamp for socialist insanity. The “unisex” shithouse is available – and that should be the end of the argument. What happens when the fucking pervert decides it wants to paint in shit, on the shithouse walls? Can it re-self-identify as an “artiste” and, thus, must be accommodated?
    We are living in strange times.
    Maybe some wayward moslem savage will solve the problem for it?
    The school and the courts should have more important things to do.
    If they don’t, they should be de-funded.

    izlamo delenda est …

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