Judge Orders State Department To Explain Delay In Processing Clinton Emails – IOTW Report

Judge Orders State Department To Explain Delay In Processing Clinton Emails

DC: A federal judge ordered the Department of State on Thursday to explain their delayed pace in producing emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stored on a private server.

A hearing was held to check in on the State Department’s progress in processing and releasing 72,000 pages of non-government emails that Clinton failed to disclose during her tenure as Secretary of State and later tried to delete.

The State Department was ordered to turn over no less than 500 pages of emails per month to Judicial Watch in response to a 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. They have thus far processed 32,000 pages and released a small fraction of those. If they continue at this pace they will not fulfill the request until 2020 at the earliest, according to Judicial Watch.

During the hearing, State Department representatives announced they have added additional resources to their FOIA response team but would not commit to releasing documents at a faster pace. Judge Boasberg responded by ordering the State Department to “explain how its anticipated increase in resources will affect processing of records in this case and when the processing of each disk is likely to be completed.”  more

6 Comments on Judge Orders State Department To Explain Delay In Processing Clinton Emails

  1. I am so tired of Washington living by a Flexible standard , in which they could commit Murder, and not see a trial until they felt like it !
    They need a higher standard, because it’s our political world and the People who pay for their Misdeeds !
    We might as well be talking about the Johnson Administration , at this Rate of Discovery !!!

  2. Yawn. It must be almost November; time for the judge to call up State and ask them what is taking so long releasing the emails, and more excuse making. Hey Judge: It’s called Contempt of Court! Grow a pair and put someone in jail, for fucks sake!!!

  3. “to explain their delayed pace in producing emails former Secretary of State hillary clinton stored on a private server”

    two things
    hillary’s poor health
    statute of limitations

    if she’s dead then “at this point what difference does it make ?”
    when the statute runs out, “at this point what difference does it make ?”

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