Judge Rejects Roy Moore’s Suit in Alabama Senate Race – IOTW Report

Judge Rejects Roy Moore’s Suit in Alabama Senate Race

Breitbart: MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama Democrat Doug Jones on Thursday will be officially declared the winner of a U.S. Senate race after a judge rejected Republican Roy Moore’s last-ditch effort to stop the certification of Jones’ historic upset in a deep-red state.

Montgomery Circuit Judge Johnny Hardwick denied Moore’s request for a restraining order to stop Alabama’s canvassing board from certifying Jones’ victory on Thursday.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill said Jones will be certified as the winner of the Dec. 12 election on Thursday afternoon. He will be sworn in on Jan. 3.

A spokesman for Jones earlier called Moore’s action a “desperate attempt … to subvert the will of the people.” “The election is over. It’s time to move on,” Sam Coleman wrote in an email.

Jones defeated Moore by about 20,000 votes. Moore’s campaign was deeply wounded by accusations of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls decades ago. Moore denied the accusations and said he has taken and passed a polygraph test to prove they are false.

Moore’s attorney wrote in the wide-ranging complaint that he believed there were irregularities during the election, including that voters may have been brought in from other states. He attached a statement from a poll worker that she had noticed licenses from Georgia and North Carolina as people signed in to vote.

The complaint also noted the higher-than-expected turnout in the race, particularly in Jefferson County, and said Moore’s numbers were suspiciously lower than straight-ticket Republican voting in about 20 Jefferson County precincts. The complaint asked for a fraud investigation and eventually a new election.

“This is not a Republican or Democrat issue as election integrity should matter to everyone,” Moore said in a statement Wednesday.

Merrill said he has so far not found any evidence of voter fraud, but he has said that his office will investigate any complaint Moore submits. more here

12 Comments on Judge Rejects Roy Moore’s Suit in Alabama Senate Race

  1. When you lose by 20k……
    You lost. This whole JeffSessions thing has been a debacle. Sessions is a super nice guy, having met
    Him once briefly. But as AG he’s been worse than horrible.

  2. PHenry

    If you follow QAnon, and buy into what is being said, the Trump administration used this election to document the process the Libtards use to fix elections. Refer to Trumps comments immediately after the out come.

  3. BadBrad
    I’ve been hollering about voter fraud for a decade or more. I got in former VA AG Ken Cucinellis chili about it a a public forum in which he hemmed and hawed.
    You may be right but 20k is an astronomical amount to attribute to voter fraud.

    People didn’t like Moore. I get that. He was church lady.

  4. PHenry

    Some of us in occupied California believe if we got the illegals the fuck out of here we would vote conservative again. If you don’t think their votes don’t count here your sadly mistaken. #TakebackCali.

  5. I notice we don’t hear a peep from Gloria Allred and her spurious clients. I get that he was not a great candidate, but if someone smeared my character like they did, I would sue them. Wonder if that’s next?

  6. no one to blame here but Alabama republican voters … they were the one’s that went against Trump’s pick & voted for Moore
    evidently it was common knowledge about Moore’s propensity to date teenagers …. didn’t take the Media 5 minutes to find the stories …

  7. Two possible outcomes:

    1. Moore was sacrificed to expose something worse.
    2. It’s only LEADING people to believe that the outcome is certified.

    This ain’t over yet. Exposing voter fraud isn’t easy, but I believe the ultimate outcome of all of this will be well worth our faith in our president and his administration.

  8. Roy Moore himself stated that the election results would be in God’s hands. The US Senate is a perverted, corrupted political body so foul that it stinks. The Bible says that corrupt companions corrupt good character. The Senate verifies this. The Alabama election was rigged and Moore was (((lied about))), but it is apparent that God does not want Moore in the Senate, but He must have another purpose for Moore to fulfill. Moore is still a very public thorn poking into the eyes of D.C. politicians, so his life will still be at risk.

  9. Would love to see Judge Moore sue the living shit out of all those democrats who made up stories to take him down. If Judge Moore wins a ton of cash, the democrats will have to give up their most valuable weapon, after voter fraud.

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