Judge Rejects Warnings And Frees Failed Reagan Assassin John Hinckley – IOTW Report

Judge Rejects Warnings And Frees Failed Reagan Assassin John Hinckley

DailyCaller; In releasing John Hinckley Jr. over the weekend, Federal Judge Paul Friedman brushed aside virtually all of the government’s public safety warnings and eliminated most of the monitoring programs for the man who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.

Friedman’s order allowed Hinckley last Saturday to walk as a free man out of St. Elizabeth’s mental institution under “full-time convalescent leave.”

Most news organizations over the weekend simply reported that he was freed. None looked into the raging legal fight between Friedman and the government over the conditions for Hinckley’s release.

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17 Comments on Judge Rejects Warnings And Frees Failed Reagan Assassin John Hinckley

  1. This Judge was appointed to the Federal bench by Bill Clinton. Maybe Clinton is hoping for a redo else why would he send a letter to Hinckley that Trump is dating Jodie Foster and turning her straight. Gee, the Judge sure was nice in removing those pesky monitoring provisions.

  2. Maybe Trump can get an executive order in place that will sentence judges releasing habitual criminals, sane or not, when they kill again and again. With a possible death sentence hanging over their judicial heads, they may reconsider their progtard views.

  3. Hinckley should have to live in the Judge’s basement.
    And the Judge should be held accountable for everything Hinckley does.

    As it should be for every “judge” who releases proven dangerous psychopaths.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Making laws by executive order is unconstitutional, regardless of political party. If it is wrong for Obama to do it; it’s wrong for anyone to do it, even Ronald Wilson Reagan (peace be upon him).

  5. Geeknerd- Shrillary is summoning you to her bedside. She has a few jobs for you to carry out. Get crackin, pussyboy! You can carry her Thighness on your back and keep her moving. Its a yuge deal! Money to be stolen, favors to be handed out quid pro quo. ENJOY!

  6. Voyeur deary,

    I voting for Trump to be President, not King. The Constitution provides checks and balances, because without them the good that President Trump would do by writing laws would be easily undone by President Chelsy Clinton in 2024. We will need a lot of TP (Trump/Pense) to clean up this mess; we do not need to leave behind weapons for the Left to use against us.

    I’m voting for Trump because his choices for Supreme Court would be better than Hillary’s. He should rescind every one of Obama’s executive orders on his first day in office.

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