Judge: Republicans Will Likely Win Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Judge: Republicans Will Likely Win Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit


The judge who ordered Pennsylvania to not certify the results of the 2020 election wrote in an opinion on Friday that the Republicans who filed the related lawsuit will likely win the case.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough made the assessment as part of an opinion explaining her rationale for blocking Pennsylvania’s election certification.

A group of Republican lawmakers and candidates sued the Keystone State earlier this week, arguing that the state legislature’s mail-in voting law—Act 77—violated the commonwealth’s constitution.

“Petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough wrote. read more

21 Comments on Judge: Republicans Will Likely Win Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit

  1. I appreciate the Judges opinion but we have too many “judicial” hand grenades blowing up the Constitution already.
    I think the legislature has the power and was going to use it to put in Republican electors to right the wrong.

  2. @Eponymous:

    I appreciate the Judge’s opinion but we have too many “judicial” hand grenades blowing up the Constitution already.

    It was the PA legislature who blew up the state constitution with Act 77. The judge seems to be trying to restore the primacy of the constitution.

    I think the legislature has the power and was going to use it to put in Republican electors to right the wrong.

    The PA legislature still has that power and I sure do hope they use it (both chambers have significant Rep majorities).

  3. I will believe this ONLY when it occurs and not a second before. We have had the football snatched away from us, Charlie Brown-style, too often for me to get excited about a judge’s ‘opinion’.

    Show me RESULTS and ACTUAL DECISIONS. They I get excited. Til then, meh…

  4. I will believe this ONLY when it occurs and not a second before. We have had the football snatched away from us, Charlie Brown-style, too often for me to get excited about a judge’s ‘opinion’.

    Show me RESULTS and ACTUAL DECISIONS. They I get excited. Til then, meh…

  5. No American election will ever be decided by some russian bribed judge. Not as long as i Have ammo and another magazine. You only get so much fun outta shooting Pictures of republicans, where as we still owe those russians for Kennedy you think the head shot of john was great wait until you see Putins head POP.

  6. These russians made us deal with trump and his grifter family for four years they killed John F Kennedy and they messed with 2016 election How many times do they get a pass? Its time to show the world.

  7. As I understand it, it will fall on the Secretary of State there to decide then and appoint the electors if the vote is thrown out the same way she would do if it the vote was certified and not thrown out.

    A current attempt by a handful of Republicans in the Legislature to change that has somewhere around zero chance of succeeding before the selections are made.

  8. The sec. of state in PA was given the appointment power by statute – it is my understanding that the PA legislature will either rescind the statue or amend it.

    Regardless the PA legislature will appoint Republican Electors.

  9. I can’t remember the PA state senator’s name but she said that she was in contact with a state senator from another swing state and she said they told her that if PA did it, they would, too. They want to appoint electors but didn’t want to be the FIRST to do it. That’s a good sign, but FFS I am SO SICK of these pussies. Can you imagine??? Going through all they had to do to win their seat and then suddenly they’re scared to do their jobs?
    Bitchslaps all around!

  10. “Fredrick” – First of all, the Russians didn’t kill Kennedy. The mob did.
    Speaking of grifters, Kennedy daddy used the mob for votes, paid for jfk’s win and the kids stupidly went after the mob, and the mob wanted payback.
    Russians. lol.
    No proof of Trump ‘grifting’ but Hunter Biden’s laptop doesn’t interest you at all?
    Go pop yourself right under the chin, psycho.

  11. It’s because oswald had a lefty’s fascination with communism and also got a russian mail order bride, who he beat the shit out of regularly.
    The mob loves expendable people. And LBJ? He cheated all through his Texas elections, no matter how insignificant. He was more than happy to quickly jump into JFK’s shoes within the day. I don’t know if he had anything to do with the assassination but he certainly took advantage of it like the rat he was.


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