Judge Roy Moore on Hannity Radio: ‘These Allegations are Completely False and Misleading’ – IOTW Report

Judge Roy Moore on Hannity Radio: ‘These Allegations are Completely False and Misleading’

Breitbart: MONTGOMERY, Alabama — Judge Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate, again dismissed as false allegations against him in the Washington Post that decades ago he engaged in inappropriate relationships with young women. Appearing on nationally syndicated radio host Sean Hannity’s program on Friday afternoon, Moore blasted the allegations as politically motivated.

“These allegations are completely false and misleading,” Moore said in a lengthy Hannity radio appearance. “But more than that it hurts me personally because I’m a father. I have one daughter. I have five grand-daughters. And I have a special concern for the protection of young ladies. This is really hard and I want to talk on radio and explain this: These allegations are completely false.”

Moore specifically said he does not know who Leigh Corfman, who accused him of sexual misconduct against her in the 1970s when she was just 14-years-old in the Washington Post report, is. This is the first time Moore has specifically addressed the individual allegations. Moore added:

I don’t know Ms. Corfman from anybody. I have never talked to her. I’ve never had any contact with her. The allegations of sexual misconduct with her are completely false. I believe they are politically motivated. I believe they are brought on me to stop a very successful campaign. And that’s what they’re doing. I have never known this woman or anything with regard to the other girls. And you understand this is 40 years ago, and after my return from the military I dated a lot of young ladies. I do recognize the names of two of the ladies, however, Debbie Wesson Gibson and Gloria Thacker—that’s their maiden name.

Moore also addressed the cases of two other accusers in the first segment on Hannity: Debbie Wesson Gibson and Gloria Thacker Deason. Moore says he remembers their names—but does not remember anything inappropriate with them.

Here is what the Washington Post reported regarding Gibson:

Debbie Wesson Gibson says that she was 17 in the spring of 1981 when Moore spoke to her Etowah High School civics class about serving as the assistant district attorney. She says that when he asked her out, she asked her mother what she would say if she wanted to date a 34-year-old man. Gibson says her mother asked her who the man was, and when Gibson said “Roy Moore,” her mother said, “I’d say you were the luckiest girl in the world.”

Among locals in Gadsden, a town of about 47,000 back then, Moore “had this godlike, almost deity status — he was a hometown boy made good,” Gibson says, “West Point and so forth.”

Gibson says that they dated for two to three months, and that he took her to his house, read her poetry and played his guitar. She says he kissed her once in his bedroom and once by the pool at a local country club.

“Looking back, I’m glad nothing bad happened,” says Gibson, who now lives in Florida. “As a mother of daughters, I realize that our age difference at that time made our dating inappropriate.”

In Gibson’s case, on Hannity’s radio show, Moore denied any wrongdoing—and said he is not sure on some of the details of the Post report. Moore said:

I do not remember speaking to a Civics Class. I do not remember that. I do not remember when we—I think I remember knowing her parents, that they were friends. I can’t remember specific dates, because it’s been 40 years. But I can remember her as a great girl, but neither of them have either stated any inappropriate behavior. She didn’t say anything.

He added he does not “remember specific dates.”

“I know her, but I don’t remember going out on dates,” Moore said. “If we did go out on dates, then we did—but I don’t remember that.”

Regarding Deason, here is what the Washington Post wrote about her allegations:

Gloria Thacker Deason says she was 18 and Moore was 32 when they met in 1979 at the Gadsden Mall, where she worked at the jewelry counter of a department store called Pizitz. She says she was attending Gadsden State Community College and still living at home.

“My mom was really, really strict and my curfew was 10:30 but she would let me stay out later with Roy,” says Deason, who is now 57 and lives in North Carolina. “She just felt like I would be safe with him. . . . She thought he was good husband material.”

Deason says that they dated off and on for several months and that he took her to his house at least two times. She says their physical relationship did not go further than kissing and hugging.

“He liked Eddie Rabbitt and I liked Freddie Mercury,” Deason says, referring to the country singer and the British rocker.

She says that Moore would pick her up for dates at the mall or at college basketball games, where she was a cheerleader. She remembers changing out of her uniform before they went out for dinners at a pizzeria called Mater’s, where she says Moore would order bottles of Mateus Rosé, or at a Chinese restaurant, where she says he would order her tropical cocktails at a time when she believes she was younger than 19, the legal drinking age.

“If Mother had known that, she would have had a hissy fit,” says Deason, who says she turned 19 in May 1979, after she and Moore started dating.

Moore denies having bought her alcohol because, he says, Etowah County in Alabama was a dry county at the time.   Continued

Also from Breitbart:

Judge Roy Moore on Sean Hannity Show: ‘We Have Some Evidence of Some Collusion’ Against Me in WaPo Smear.

MONTGOMERY, Alabama — Judge Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate in Alabama, told nationally syndicated radio host Sean Hannity on Friday afternoon that his campaign is conducting its own investigation into the allegations against him and has “some evidence of some collusion” against him.

Moore said when Hannity asked him to respond to the dozens of establishment Republicans demanding he step down from his race for the U.S. Senate:

If you step aside for any allegation, then you might as well not run because when you run you’re going to get allegations. First, I would tell these individuals they wouldn’t make good judges. They wouldn’t make good people in the judicial system because you are innocent until proven guilty. In this case, this woman has waited over 40 years to bring a complaint four weeks out of an election? It’s obvious to the casual observer that something is up. We’re also doing an investigation and we have some evidence of some collusion here but we’re not ready to put that to the public just yet.

Hannity, in response, asked Moore whether that means he is “trying to prove” his innocence—to which Moore affirmed that he was:

Well, just like you said, they’re doing it to defeat this senate campaign. They’re bringing something, they’re trying to mix something up from other girls that never said anything about sexual impropriety and they’re all labeling it on this 14-year-old. I had nothing to do with this. This is a completely manufactured story meant to defraud this campaign. They’re losing. They’re 11 points behind. They don’t like my acknowledgment there is a God. We’ve refused to debate them because of their very liberal stance on transgenderism and transgenderism in the military and bathrooms. They’re desperate. Sean, they’re simply desperate…

16 Comments on Judge Roy Moore on Hannity Radio: ‘These Allegations are Completely False and Misleading’

  1. I sure as heck hope he’s innocent. I think he is innocent of the charges of unwanted advances by the then 14 year old.

    I graduated HS young. At my first job, and friends of my 15 years my senior BIL were 30 + year olds asking me out, and running like hell when they discovered I was 17. Hee, hee, hee! I made a game out of it..

    Years ago it was not bizarre nor unheard of for an older man to court younger women. In the mid century, it was even less uncommon. No one blinked an eye.

  2. Moore’s toast …. terrible interview … “… if I did, I don’t remember”
    as a judge, who should’ve know better than to give an answer like this, he entrapped himself
    … & yes, I understand the ‘years ago’ defense …. but politically, today, it ain’t gonna wash
    go talk to Herman Cain … if Moore’s got collusion evidence he needs to play it … immediately! … ’cause he’s basically killed his campaign
    Hannity & Fox are throwing him under the bus …. Deep State is beaming

    perception is everything

  3. This was almost 40 years ago, honestly who the hell cares? Even if it did happen, a man changes over time. My opinion of his interview is a man who cares more about God’s judgment than man’s judgment isn’t going to want to intentionally lie. So, if he’s the man he says he is, he’s going to be concerned just maybe one of those girls he dated could have lied to him about his age. He’s also probably not real sure how far he tried to go with certain girls 40 years ago.

    The Alabama folks I know aren’t going to believe any shit that comes from the media. They also aren’t going to judge a man over something that may or may not have happened that many years ago.

    I am sick to death of all these women coming out crying they were sexually abused years ago, including the Hollywood women. It’s gotten to the point it’s like every woman wants to be part of the crowd, so they all were abused.
    It’s also bullshit, because no man can prove he didn’t do something 30 or 40 years ago.

    If he did this shit, where the hell was this woman all the years he was a judge?

    Republicans can kiss my ass as well, they always jump to throw people under the bus as quick as possible.

  4. this is all it takes for the republicans to boot a man out? Made up allegations? Thats it? freaking a. Easy Peezy. Just accuse a republican and its over?
    senator lee and some cowboy from montana rescinded their endorsement today. Frikking backstabbing spineless pussies. Is it any wonder no one trusts them?

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