Judge Rules For Tiger Woods Over NDA Dispute Against Ex-Girlfriend – IOTW Report

Judge Rules For Tiger Woods Over NDA Dispute Against Ex-Girlfriend

(Reuters) – A Florida judge ruled in favor of Tiger Woods on Wednesday, rejecting his former girlfriend Erica Herman’s request to nullify a non-disclosure agreement she signed when they began dating in 2017, U.S. media reported, citing court documents.

Herman had asked a judge to void the agreement, citing a recent law that limits enforcing such agreements in sexual harassment and assault cases.

Herman had not accused Woods of harassment or assault in court papers. However, in a cover sheet accompanying the complaint, her lawyer Benjamin Hodas checked “yes” as to whether the case involved allegations of sexual abuse.

She had also claimed that “because of the aggressive use of the Woods NDA against her,” she was unsure whether she may disclose, among other things, facts giving rise to legal claims she believes she has.

In Wednesday’s ruling, Circuit Judge Elizabeth Metzger said that Herman’s claims had been “implausibly pled,” granting Woods’ requests to compel arbitration, the New York Times reported.

The judge wrote that Herman could have provided factual specificity for any claim relating to sexual assault or sexual harassment, but “she has not done so,” according to the newspaper. more here

13 Comments on Judge Rules For Tiger Woods Over NDA Dispute Against Ex-Girlfriend

  1. Tiger is getting his ankle fused. His golfing career is over…..Good, I’m sick of golf being everything Tiger…

    This broad has some shit to tell and I don’t think it’s anybodies business, but it has something to do with bathhouse’s….Live in the limelight, die in the limelight…

  2. We had a guy in the telco who played golf becuse Tiger was a negro.

    “We need more negro role models”, he said. My brain locked between gears and I had nothing to say.

    I do have to say Lawrence was an excellent technician… but that BS was a WTF moment.

    Another WTF moment with Lawrence… he locked his keys in his Ranger and got his 3 pound linesman hammer. He mashed that back glass 4 times before I could stop him. He was strong as shit, but using the face of the hammer rather than the edge. Anyway, I went into the crew roon and found a wire coat hanger and had the truck open 30 seconds after that.

  3. “We had a guy in the telco who played golf because Tiger was a negro.”
    He was about 70% not negro.
    I hated the guy when he was popular. Now that he’s old I kinda lean his direction. I know, I’m fucked up. As far as his wives, all facially ugly. So he maybe on the downlow. Ah shit, who knows.

  4. Erik, I’ll never understand the need to have a role model that shares your skin color?
    “There are no black such & such in the field I like so therefore I will automatically fail.”

    If anything the trend has turned me away from black athletes.
    I used to appreciate talent regardless of skin color.
    Barry Sanders, Ronnie Lott, Merton Hanks, etc.
    Now I’m more likely to pull for the White guy to spite the other tribe.
    Thanks obama.

    BTW, Tiger is not fully black and his work ethic was 0% black.

  5. I thought it was a strange thing for Larry to say. Larry was all about Jesus and was a pleasure to work with. He already had excellent role models. I would think excellent role models would be Dr. Sowell, and a thousand others. Tiger, not so mutch.


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