Judge Rules Minneapolis Residents Can Sue Over Police Reduction – IOTW Report

Judge Rules Minneapolis Residents Can Sue Over Police Reduction

MAGAConservatives: Ilhan Omar and other Minnesota Dem politicians who lead the defund the police movement just suffered a huge blow after a judge ruled residents of Minneapolis can sue the city over reductions in police staffing.

The lawsuit claims the number of licensed police officers has dropped from 825 at the start of 2020 to about 634 while the charter calls for staffing around 743 officers.

The Dems said citizens couldn’t sue at all and the judge said in this case they have the standing.  Look, the data from the election is in and Omar and the Dems defund the police slogan was a disaster for the left and will continue to hurt them for years. It was that bad of a slogan. And now we have concerned citizens suing over it?  Not a good spot for an unpopular politician to be stuck in. more

3 Comments on Judge Rules Minneapolis Residents Can Sue Over Police Reduction

  1. Now, when will a judge rule that everybody who hid the truth about George Floyd and pushed the false narrative of police racism can be charged with “incitement to riot”

    Because if ever something incited a riot, it was that.

  2. Seeing as how the autopsy must have been performed within 24 hours of GFs death, everybody in Minnesota’s political leadership must have known that, at the very least, that Derek Chauvin had nothing to do with the effers death


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