Judge rules Pennsylvania COVID-19 restrictions unconstitutional – IOTW Report

Judge rules Pennsylvania COVID-19 restrictions unconstitutional

Just The news-

“The Constitution cannot accept the concept of a ‘new normal’ where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures,” the judge wrote.

26 Comments on Judge rules Pennsylvania COVID-19 restrictions unconstitutional

  1. “The actions taken by the administration were mirrored by governors across the country and saved, and continue to save lives in the absence of federal action,”

    I hear that sort of thing often, but no one ever seems to back it up with any researched evidence that it is trus.

    I see no higher death tolls in areas where restrictions haven’t been forced on the people than in areas where they have been, in fact there seems to be information that could indicate the opposite.

    For that matter, based on data, this is not a particularly deadly or contagious disease in the first place so why should anything out of the ordinary need to be done about it?

    The restrictions seem to be far more about submission and obedience by the people than about any threat to our health as a nation.

  2. “The suit did not contest a state mask mandate.”

    Worthless, then.

    And LCD, I think nationwide injunctions were upheld by the SC in July, but Trump is President, so who knows what they’ll do to limit this judge’s jurisdiction.

  3. Great.

    Now do Ohio, where they just pulled a bar’s liquor license for serving a drink after 10 even though you are allowed to DRINK your drink till 11, because everyone KNOWS Covid gets all over empty glasses right at 2200 and leaves promptly the next morning…/s


    …someone needs to have Nancy Pelosi come get her son Mike Dewine because he’s standing in the middle of the street lying about being Republican again and it’s just embarrassing how obviously untrue that is…

  4. Hans
    SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 AT 9:07 AM
    “I think it proves that a man in a woman’s dress doesn’t know best.”

    …hey, most men in bars spend the whole NIGHT trying to get into women’s dresses, so…

    …oh, you mean TO WEAR. And claim to be a “Health Secretary”.

    ….never mind…

  5. This control stuff isn’t going to go away and everyone knows it.

    It will just slowly alter in form and reason and expand to increase government supervision and control of personal behavior till there is very little individual choice about who and what you are.

    Nothing can be done about it, nothing will be done to stop it.

    In the end, you will comply or die.

  6. Great but really this has been in large part to keep third quarter GDP suppressed and have the economy become an issue for Trump. So note there already are provisions to open some things October 1st. I want the mask mandate cases to hit the courts.

  7. Our judges shut down unconstitutional rules long after we have already suffered under those rules.

    Their judges shut down constitutional rules before they ever go into effect.

  8. Hans SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 AT 9:31 AM

    “If you’ve ever seen this dude in the dress only the sickest men would want to get in it. His/her name be Rachel but he ought to go by Butch.😂”

    …I did see it before today, it’s been pretty hard to ignore “Health Directors” lately for…some reason…, but I was just making a joke about men trying to get into the dresses of ACTUAL, GENETIC women, metaphorically speaking, as men have done as the sexes (and dresses) have existed, and will do until the species ends. It was an attempt to be punny that obviously failed.

    That’s why I don’t quit my day job.

    It wasn’t meant to reference getting into this PARTICULAR pervert’s dress that HE wears with NO right to do so, and yes, that is the THIRD most unconvincing and masculine looking insane person trying to pretend to be a woman I’ve ever seen, outside of Mooch Obama.

    But sadly enough, I’ve seen worse. In the real world.

    We had this ONE guy at my work, back before the insane Democrats had fully taken over the world, that wanted to be a woman and made no bones about it. He kept himself as thin and feminine in body as possible, wore tight women’s clothing, and even insisted in using the women’s bathroom because he didn’t like being with the men and considered himself a woman even though he still had a penis.

    We KNEW he had a penis because he TOLD everyone. Like I said, he made no secret that he wanted to “transition”, and said the ONLY reason he was working here was to get enough money to have his twig and berries amputated professionally.

    Well, things didn’t work out for him because, again, this was pre-Barry Soetoro in the White House and there was still a partial lid on affirming the insane, though the pot was starting to boil over. Because of this and a state law that said you had to be a woman to be in a woman’s room as well as threats of sexual harrasment lawsuits from the women, he was told he was NOT to use the women’s room (although I kind of liked that he did, it kept him out of the MEN’S). After repeated violations he was told one more and you’re fired, and there was one more, and he was fired.

    Can’t tell you if he ever got snipped or not, my knowledge of his story ends there.

    However, I CAN tell you that there’s no way in God’s green Earth he would EVER pass for female, no matter WHAT they cut off, for the simple reason that, looming above this deliberately etiolated body he had cultivated, was this great big, gross, rock-like giant Man head. I mean, it was the head, the face, the hair of a MAN, and there could not be a surgeon in the WORLD who could do anything about that. You know those “balancing rock” columns they have out West? It was like that, but even WORSE, more like if the boulder was balanced on spaghetti, it was THAT out-of-proportion, and craggy like a boulder too, cut like a MAN’S face, and, old cartoons aside, I’m not really sure that “Head Reduction Surgery” is an available ‘thing’ even in Insane America, so while he probably COULD wear a wig to cover the male pattern baldness and get SOME level of cosmetic surgery to do SOMETHING about the sharp angles and masculine planes the bones of his head shaped his face into, he would forever have this enormous KOPF balancing precariously on that skinny little neck that you figured would break if he just turned a little too fast, leaving his recently departed melon to roll down the hallway like a craggy idol’s carved face tumbled off its gigantic from to a sprung trap in an Indiana Jones movie, crushing all the tiny Asian females who complained before it in vengeance.

    It was THAT ridiculous.

    But no one had the teremity to TELL him that.

    And evidently, no one LOVED him enough to TELL him that.

    …although I saw something equally ridiculous in, of all things, a faux English pub chain in Crestview Hills, KY, where there was this dude (not, observably, the SAME dude) that ran around the place in a bright yellow sunndress and high heels, but make absouletly NO attempt to disguise his middle aged man head topping it all, bald spots and everything. Didn’t really track this dude because he was no threat and wasn’t hitting on me or MY family, but I do know he casued some consternation when he went into the MEN’S room to take a leak, and all the OTHER men came rapidly out of there. This was later in INsane corporate America, though, so they were told no offence could be taken.

    …We had another tranny come and go at work since then, this was a VERY feminine looking one that used the men’s room, but was fairly convincing so he was told he was in the wrong room, but he said he was NOT and the Company backed him up, so there he went until he quit.
    I had a little fun with it when I guy I knew that HATED queers and transvestites was passing by, and I told him to go in the men’s room and wash his hands and see if there was anything odd around the sink (knowning there was an odd, heavily cosemtized dude there), and he came stomping back SO disgusted that I wasn’t sure if I’d just caused a murder, but Ladyboy came out right after and not crying, so evidently he maintained. He went straight to his older brother, who was a supervisor at the time, to complain, but even his brother couldn’t stop the crazy, seeing as how we’re a Government contractor and all.

    But it did quit. This type doesn’t seem to relish physical labor for long…

    I try not to use restrooms at work or in public for many reasons, but this is one of them…

  9. Trump appointee. As I mentioned in another comment you may not like McConnell but he’s the one that steered a record number of Presidential picks for the bench vacancies that is starting to push the federal courts back to the Constitution instead of knee-jerk liberal opinions and Judges making law instead of upholding it.

  10. It’s ONLY 6 mos. overdue, but finally; we’ve found a judge who’s not ONLY HEARD of the PA Constitution – he’s actually READ it! 😮

    Now to put the leading asshole of the state (Wolfie J. Lepetomane), and the sweet transvestite child psychologist, from Transsexual Transylvania (Health Secy), OUT to pasture, and OUT of the way of WORKING Pennsylvanians! 😡

    I’m sure some judge in HI will overturn it, though. 🙄

  11. Trust me, this means squat.

    Appeals of any and all court rulings will keep the tyranny going until people actually revolt. Don’t hold your breath for that.**

    ** These dictators were voted into office in all 50 states and their supporters are now burning down America.

  12. “The actions taken by the administration were mirrored by governors across the country and saved, and continue to save lives in the absence of federal action,” Wolf spokesperson Lyndsay Kensinger said in a statement, according to the Associated Press.

    PROVE IT !!!

  13. Supernightshade
    “It was an attempt to be punny that obviously failed.”

    I am sorry that you perceived my attempt (fail apparently) to prolong your joke/pun. I too meant my comments to follow up your train of “pun.” But alas my brand of humor/sarcasm/witticisms rarely do. I march to the different drummer – I love Benny Hill but find Mr. Bean and Wil Ferrel not the least bit funny.

    When I went to seminary (I went to the most liberal seminary in order to get a degree in Apologetics) the class ahead of me had a 60 year old guy who was “transitioning” to female. It was like watching a bad movie that you paid too much money to rent to just return it unwatched.

    To see the “religiously liberal” professors and students try to affirm that God makes mistakes everyday solidify in my heart of the abomination of the “gender fluidity” argument while seeing how far the Bible could be stretched to accommodate/assimilate the buffet table of faith present in that community.

    I felt I had been called to ministry because I no longer had faith in therapy and affirmation of environmental factors to cure/make people better as a Therapist. I knew that God was the part that a lot of broken people didn’t have to become functional again. God doesn’t make us whole again but he bridges (reconciles) the broken pieces with His grace enough to get us back into relationship with Him so that at some point we can be fully restored to what He intended us to be,

    Come Lord Jesus.

  14. I believe it was on Power Line that I read the average age for a covid death in Minn. was 84.5 and average life expectancy was 81. So covid actually adds three and half years to your life span. Who knew? /sarc

  15. Hans
    SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 AT 1:02 PM

    …I loved Benny Hill growing up, and Monty Python, but my funny bone has gotten pretty ossifed in the years since my Dad and I watched them together, so I always just assume I’m not doing it right, but I keep trying because we NEED to crack each other up once in awhile for our OWN mental health, lest we become humorless Democrats, so thanks for trying.

    And I’m sure God will bless you for answering His call, and probably has already, based on what I’ve seen of modern talk therapy, you are well shut of it, the “doctors” at this point are crazier than their patients.

    Just keep on keeping on, but keep stopping here too, and everyone can get a laugh from me missing your point again. It’s my gift to our iOTW family.

    If you can’t laugh at yourself…you’re a Democrat.

    God bless,


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